Inspired by Conway's Game of Life, this web application allows you to customize the rules of a cellular automata within the bounds of a 100x100 cell grid. Specify the possible cell states, their possible transitions to other states, and the conditions under which those transitions occur with a simple json configuration file described below. Checkout some example configurations for inspiration and start making your own rules of life!
A condition is an equation used to specify when a state transition should occur. For example,
a condition describing when a "LIVE" cell should transition to "DEAD" in Conway's Game of Life
would be LIVE < 2 || LIVE > 3
. A condition evaluates to true or false indicating whether the
condition is met. The empty condition is a special case that always evaluates to true. The
symbols available in a condition are:
Any string of digits (0-9). For example, 3
or 52
Resolves to the number represented by this string.
Any string of letters (a-z,A-Z) matching a state specified in the current configuration
(case sensitive). For example, dead
Resolves to the number of neighbors of the current cell that are in the state represented
by this string.
One of the strings {AGE}
and {GEN}
(case insensitive).
: Resolves to the number of consecutive generations prior to the current generation
where the current cell was in its current state.
: Resolves to the number of generations that have passed since the first generation
(in other words, the current generation).
One of the strings +
, -
, *
, /
, and %
. These are binary operators that expect two
number arguments and resolve to a number.
: Resolves to the sum of the two arguments.
: Resolves to the lhs minus the rhs.
: Resolves to the product of the two arguments.
: Resolves to the lhs divided by the rhs (integer division).
: Resolves to the remainder of dividing the lhs by the rhs (integer division).
One of the strings ==
, !=
, <
, >
, <=
, and >=
. These are binary operators that expect two
number arguments and resolve to a bool.
: Resolves to a bool indicating whether the two arguments are equal.
: Resolves to a bool indicating whether the two arguments are not equal.
: Resolves to a bool indicating whether the lhs is less than the rhs.
: Resolves to a bool indicating whether the lhs is greater than the rhs.
: Resolves to a bool indicating whether the lhs is less than or equal to the rhs.
: Resolves to a bool indicating whether the lhs is greater than or equal to the rhs.
One of the strings ||
and &&
. These are binary operators that expect two bool arguments
and resolve to a bool.
: Resolves to a bool indicating whether at least one of the arguments is true.
: Resolves to a bool indicating whether both of the arguments are true.
Operators will convert arguments of the wrong type to the right type according to the following conversions:
- number to bool: The number 0 is converted to false, all other numbers are converted to true.
- bool to number: The bool false is converted to 0 and the bool true is converted to 1.
The operators have verious levels of precedence, which can determine their order of evaluation.
- Level 1:
- Level 2:
- Level 3:
- Level 4:
That means that a condition such as LIVE == DEAD + 1 * 2 || DEAD > 5
will be interpreted as
((LIVE == (DEAD + (1 * 2))) || (DEAD > 5))
. Explicitly type parenthesis into your condition
formula to override this behavior. Consecutive operators in the same level will be evaluated
left to right.
A transition encapsulates a path that a cell in a specific state can take to become another state.
The two properties of a transition are the condition
(described above) that must be met for the
transition to take place, and the next
state (or states) that a cell can take if the condition is met.
For a deterministic transition, next
can simply be a string matching a state specified in the current configuration (case sensitive). For example, a transition that a DEAD
cell can take to become LIVE
in Conway's Game of Life would be:
"condition": "LIVE == 3",
"next": "LIVE"
For a non-deterministic transition, next
can be a map of state to an integer weight. In this case,
the next state is determined randomly each time the transition is taken in a process analogous to
spinning a roulette wheel with each state owning a number of slots equal to its weight. Whichever slot
the ball lands in is the next state for that specific cell transition. For example, a transition where
a cell would become LIVE
1% of the time and DEAD
99% of the time if the cell has no LIVE
would be:
"condition": "LIVE == 0",
"next": {
"LIVE": 1,
"DEAD": 99,
A state encapsulates a possible state that a cell can be in during a given generation. The three
properties of a state are the name
of the state, the hex color
that a cell will be when in the
state, and the transitions
that the state can take to become another state. For example, the "LIVE"
state in Conway's Game of Life can be represented as:
"name": "LIVE",
"color": "#FFFF00",
"transitions": [
"condition": "LIVE < 2 || LIVE > 3",
"next": "DEAD",
The order of the transitions
list is important. During a generation shift for a cell, the
transition conditions for the cell's state will be evaluated in the order that the transitions
are listed. The first transition whose condition evaluates to true will be taken. If no transition
conditions evaluate to true, the cell's state will not change for the next generation. For example,
a permanent dead state could be easily written as:
"name": "PERMADEAD",
"color": "#000000",
"transitions": []
A configuration encapsulates the rules of a cellular automata that this application can simulate. The three properties of a configuration are the name
of the configuration, the possible states
that a cell can be
using this configuration, and the default
state that cells will be on generation 0 (and that all cells
outside of the 100x100 grid are permanently). For example, Conway's Game of Life can be represented as:
"name": "Conway's Game of Life",
"states": [
"name": "DEAD",
"color": "#808080",
"transitions": [
"condition": "LIVE == 3",
"next": "LIVE"
"name": "LIVE",
"color": "#FFFF00",
"transitions": [
"condition": "LIVE < 2 || LIVE > 3",
"next": "DEAD"
"default": "DEAD"