This is a ROS package developed for Target object detection using RGB-D camera.
It is assumed that we have pre-trained Object detection system such as YOLO or OpenPose.
If you want to use Azure Kinect as RGBD camera, you should install Kinect SDK.
Install Azure Kinect SDK following
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y libk4a1.3 libk4a1.3-dev k4a-tools
git clone
catkin build
If you have some problem, please follow instrunctios from
To compile this package, you need to build darknet_ros_msgs
Pleae follow instructions from
For more information about YOLO, Darknet, available training data and training YOLO see the following link: YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection.
- launch rgbd camera node
- target_frame_id (e.g.,"map") should exist.
roslaunch azure_kinect_ros_driver driver.launch
roslaunch darknet_ros yolov_3.launch
rosrun pointcloud_processing pcl_processing
- Complie packages: pointcloud_processing, transform_pointcloud, rviz_tools_py
- launch rgb camera node (or robot)
- launch darknet_ros (or retinanet_ros)
roslaunch darknet_ros yolov_3.launch
- launch transform_pointcloud (this node will convert frame_id of pcl data),
roslaunch transform_pointcloud transform.launch
- check pcl data is in target frame_id in launch file and output topic name is changed to : pointcloud_transformer/output_pcl2
- rosrun rviz_tools_py
- Parameter should be set: the width, hegiht resolution of rgb image,and the frame_id of rgb image
- You should change these value in
- roslaunch pointcloud_processing sep_processing.launch
- current target class is chair. you might change this clas in sep_processing.cpp directly at this moment. will work on configuration later.