jessepollak's Card make credit card forms look awesome. card-react is a React component that aims to do the same for React.
- Validate inputs
- Format form inputs
- Identify card type
- Initialize the card element with user details
- The card element itself don't have to be a child of the form - it can be rendered anywhere
npm install card-react
- Add
file to your project's stylesheets. You can find it atlib/
Include card-react in your code:
import ReactCardFormContainer from 'card-react';
Once included, you can initialize the component. you'll need to make the component the container of your form:
// the id of the container element where you want to render the card element.
// the card component can be rendered anywhere (doesn't have to be in ReactCardFormContainer).
container="card-wrapper" // required
// an object contain the form inputs names.
// every input must have a unique name prop.
number: 'CCnumber', // optional — default "number"
expiry: 'CCexpiry',// optional — default "expiry"
cvc: 'CCcvc', // optional — default "cvc"
name: 'CCname' // optional - default "name"
// initial values to render in the card element
initialValues= {
number: '4242424242424242', // optional — default •••• •••• •••• ••••
cvc: '123', // optional — default •••
expiry: '16/12', // optional — default ••/••
name: 'Random Name' // optional — default FULL NAME
// the class name attribute to add to the input field and the corresponding part of the card element,
// when the input is valid/invalid.
valid: 'valid-input', // optional — default 'jp-card-valid'
invalid: 'invalid-input' // optional — default 'jp-card-invalid'
// specify whether you want to format the form inputs or not
formatting={true} // optional - default true
<input placeholder="Full name" type="text" name="CCname" />
<input placeholder="Card number" type="text" name="CCnumber" />
<input placeholder="MM/YY" type="text" name="CCexpiry" />
<input placeholder="CVC" type="text" name="CCcvc" />
// the container in which the card component will be rendered - can be anywhere in the DOM
<div id="card-wrapper"></div>
- npm install
- grunt
- Run npm install
- Run grunt
- Navigate to http://localhost:8000/
- Run grunt build after you make the changes
You are more than welcome to contribute. Enjoy!