A source repo of Postgres Chinese full-test search docker image, based on pg_jieba.
- 9.6, 9.6.3, latest
- 9.6-alpine, 9.6.3-alpine, alpine
Until version 9.6.3, Chinese full-text search is not shipped with PostgreSQL official release, and has to be implement by third-party extensions.
Pg-jieba, based on the c++ implementation of jieba, which announced to "built to be the best Python Chinese word segmentation module",
The postgres official docker image
My other Chinese full-text search docker image based on zhparser
To run this image, please refer to the postgres docker image doc.
A basic command would be docker run -p 5432:5432 chenxinaz/pg_jieba
When the container runs first time, the follow scripts would be executed on the default database. You need to run them to configure pg_jieba for any other newly created databases :
select ts_debug('jiebacfg', '白垩纪是地球上海陆分布和生物界急剧变化、火山活动频繁的时代');
(16 rows)