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Simple PHP Calculator to use and do Unit testing, Fuzz testing

Usage: use your webserver and visit /app/index.php to get the web UI

Unit testing: a) run phpunit test installed via shell cmd: bash: vendor/bin/phpunit should return No tests executed! if you are just starting, i.e. no tests are developed

b) when a test is ready, run same bash cmd: vendor/bin/phpunit

it's probably more interesting to see the output with methods tested and to do this you can issue the following cmd: bash: vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox

It works nice if the tests are well descriptive: ClassName

  • methodName
    • Test case description

So, the test with key --testdox would output a kind of something like this for a test like "tests/CalculatorTest.php": PHPUnit 9.6.13 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Calculator ✔ Add

Time: 00:00.038, Memory: 6.00 MB

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

Fuzz test PHP: run fuzz_test.php from bash or your favourite terminal See fuzz testing in action and compare the results with web ui of the PHP calculator


  • PHP 7.3 compatibility
  • Newer phpunit xmlns:xsi declaration (see previous in phpunit.xml.bak)