The sshoogr-gradle
is a Gradle plugin for working with remote SSH servers. It allows connecting, executing
remote commands, coping files and directories, creating tunnels in a simple and concise way.
The plugin was jointly developed by Aestas/IT ( and NetCompany A/S ( to support quickly growing operations and hosting department.
This is a simple example of some SSH features available in the plugin:
Using a closure
task mySshTask(type: RemoteSession) {
closure("user:password@localhost:22") {
exec 'rm -rf /tmp/cache/'
scp "$buildDir/cache.content", '/tmp/cache/cache.content'
Using an Action
task mySshTask(type: RemoteSession) {
action("user:password@localhost:22", new Action<SessionDelegate>() {
void execute(SessionDelegate sd) {
sd.exec 'rm -rf /tmp/cache/'
sd.scp "$buildDir/cache.content", '/tmp/cache/cache.content'
Applying the plugin can be done in 2 ways:
Option #1
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.aestasit.infrastructure.sshoogr:sshoogr-gradle:0.9.18'
apply plugin: 'com.aestasit.sshoogr'
Option #2
plugins {
id 'com.aestasit.sshoogr' version '0.9.18'
Plugin can be configured with the help of sshOptions
sshOptions {
It also gives access to a set of task types (RemoteSession
, Exec
, Scp
etc.) defined by Sshoogr - Groovy SSH DSL.
For documentation on Sshoogr DSL, please, refer to