This is a command-line tool that helps to convert a simple text file or multiple files to HTML files.
- To clone the repository to your local machine, run the following command:
git clone
cd till-tool
- Install the required dependencies for the project:
npm install
- Command to display the version of tool
node src/index.js -v
node src/index.js --version
- The command to display help menu:
node src/index.js -h
node src/index.js --help
- converts one or multiple text files to HTML files.
- Output will be stored in the same directory.
- Automatically parses title from the text files.
Run the code in the terminal to generate the desired output:
node src/index.js process ./file-name.txt
This is the command if you want to convert .md
file to .html
node src/index.js process ./
If you want to use bold feature of .md
file than follow this command "** Some Text**"
- Converts one or multiple text files to HTML files.
- The output will be stored in the same directory as the source text file.
- Automatically parses the title from the text files.