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Generates SSL keys on a PKI host and deploys them to the managed nodes


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Generates SSL certificates on a PKI host and transfers the generated public and private key to the Ansible managed nodes. Optionally, the certificate authoritie's certificate/s can be transferred as well as the optional Certificate Revocation List certificate/s.

Currently supported operating systems for the PKI host:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, 9
  • Debian 11, 12


This role requires a fully-setup Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). If you are looking for an automated way of setting this up, you can consider my role public_key_infrastructure.

Role Variables

A note on templating connection variables

This role works with delegations (delegate_to). The SSL key pair generation runs on the host defined in crt_pki_host, so all tasks related to key generation will run on crt_pki_host. Ansible, however, will try to lookup templated connection variables (such as remote_user) from the host we are delegating to (in this case crt_pki_host) since Ansible 2.9.10. There is a lengthy discussion on Ansible's GitHub that discusses this in more detail if you'd like to learn more about it.

What I'd like to point out is, if you make use of host_vars or group_vars, please make sure to define the connection variables (crt_pki_host, crt_pki_host_remote_user and crt_pki_host_remote_port) in the host_vars of the host defined in crt_pki_host or the corresponding group_vars. Of course, you can also define them in either host_vars/all or group_vars/all (as usual with Ansible).

Defining them in the inventory_hostname context will not work!

This does not affect users including the role with variables defined via extra_vars, on Play or on Task level, as these variables are valid in every host context.

Mandatory variables

variable default required description
crt_cert_fqdn unset true FQDN1 for the cert. This will be used to define the cert file name.
crt_ca_priv_key_pass unset true Passphrase for the certificate authority (CA) private key
crt_pki_host unset true PKI host - this is where the key generation will happen
crt_pki_host_remote_user unset true Remote user to connect ot the PKI host to

Certificate suffixes

Variable to description

variable description
crt_priv_key_suffix Private key suffix
crt_cert_suffix Certificate (aka public key) suffix
crt_csr_suffix Certificate Signing Request (CSR) suffix
crt_crl_suffix Certificate Revocation List (CRL) suffix

Variable to default variable

variable default variable
crt_priv_key_suffix _def_crt_priv_key_suffix
crt_cert_suffix _def_crt_cert_suffix
crt_csr_suffix _def_crt_csr_suffix
crt_crl_suffix _def_crt_crl_suffix

Default variable to default value and requirement

default variable default value required
_def_crt_priv_key_suffix key.pem false
_def_crt_cert_suffix cert.pem false
_def_crt_csr_suffix csr.pem false
_def_crt_crl_suffix crl.pem false

Certificate Authority (CA)

Variable to description

variable description
crt_ca_root_dir Root directory of the CA
crt_ca_cert_name Name of the CA certificate (aka public key)
crt_ca_chain_cert_name Name of the CA chain certificate (for intermediate CAs)
crt_ca_priv_key_name Name of the CA private key
crt_ca_priv_key_dir_path Path of the CA's private keys directory
crt_ca_cert_dir_path Path of the CA's certificates directory
crt_ca_csr_dir_path Path of the CA's CSR directory
crt_ca_cert_path Path of the CA certificate
crt_ca_chain_cert_path Path of the CA chain certificate (for intermediate CAs)
crt_ca_priv_key_path Path of the CA private key
crt_ca_fetch_ca_cert Whether to fetch the CA certificate
crt_ca_fetch_ca_chain_cert Whether to fetch the CA chain certificate (for intermediate CAs)

Variable to default variable

variable default variable
crt_ca_root_dir _def_crt_ca_root_dir
crt_ca_cert_name _def_crt_ca_cert_name
crt_ca_chain_cert_name _def_crt_ca_chain_cert_name
crt_ca_priv_key_name _def_crt_ca_priv_key_name
crt_ca_priv_key_dir_path _def_crt_ca_priv_key_dir_path
crt_ca_cert_dir_path _def_crt_ca_cert_dir_path
crt_ca_csr_dir_path _def_crt_ca_csr_dir_path
crt_ca_cert_path _def_crt_ca_cert_path
crt_ca_chain_cert_path _def_crt_ca_chain_cert_path
crt_ca_priv_key_path _def_crt_ca_priv_key_path
crt_ca_fetch_ca_cert _def_crt_ca_fetch_ca_cert
crt_ca_fetch_ca_chain_cert _def_crt_ca_fetch_ca_chain_cert

Default variable to default value and requirement

default variable default value required
_def_crt_ca_root_dir /root/ca false
_def_crt_ca_cert_name ca.{{ _def_crt_cert_suffix }} false
_def_crt_ca_chain_cert_name ca-chain.{{ _def_crt_cert_suffix }} false
_def_crt_ca_priv_key_name ca.{{ _def_crt_priv_key_suffix }} false
_def_crt_ca_priv_key_dir_path {{ _def_crt_ca_root_dir }}/private false
_def_crt_ca_cert_dir_path {{ _def_crt_ca_root_dir }}/certs false
_def_crt_ca_csr_dir_path {{ _def_crt_ca_root_dir }}/csr false
_def_crt_ca_cert_path {{ _def_crt_ca_cert_dir_path }}/{{ _def_crt_ca_cert_name }} false
_def_crt_ca_chain_cert_path {{ _def_crt_ca_cert_dir_path }}/{{ _def_crt_ca_chain_cert_name }} false
_def_crt_ca_priv_key_path {{ _def_crt_ca_priv_key_dir_path }}/{{ _def_crt_ca_priv_key_name }} false
_def_crt_ca_fetch_ca_cert true false
_def_crt_ca_fetch_ca_chain_cert true false

Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Variable to description

variable description
crt_csr_email CSR email
crt_csr_org CSR organization name (O)
crt_csr_org_unit CSR organization unit name (OU)
crt_csr_country CSR country name (C)
crt_csr_state CSR state name (S)
crt_csr_loc CSR locality name (L)
crt_csr_key_usage CSR key usage
crt_csr_extended_key_usage CSR extended key usage
crt_csr_subject_alt_name_critical Whether the subjectAltName (SAN) should be considered critical
crt_csr_use_common_name_for_san Whether the common name should be used for the subjectAltName (SAN) if no specific SANs are provided
crt_csr_subject_alt_names List of subjectAltNames (SANs) to use. Items need to be prefixed by their options (DNS:, IP:, etc.)

Variable to default variable

variable default variable
crt_csr_email _def_crt_csr_email
crt_csr_org _def_crt_csr_org
crt_csr_org_unit _def_crt_csr_org_unit
crt_csr_country _def_crt_csr_country
crt_csr_state _def_crt_csr_state
crt_csr_loc _def_crt_csr_loc
crt_csr_key_usage _def_crt_csr_key_usage
crt_csr_extended_key_usage _def_crt_csr_extended_key_usage
crt_csr_subject_alt_name_critical _def_crt_csr_subject_alt_name_critical
crt_csr_use_common_name_for_san _def_crt_csr_use_common_name_for_san
crt_csr_subject_alt_names This variable has no default variable, but is set to None if not defined

Default variable to default value and requirement

default variable default value required
_def_crt_csr_email [email protected] false
_def_crt_csr_org Default Organization false
_def_crt_csr_org_unit Default Organizational Unit false
_def_crt_csr_country XX false
_def_crt_csr_state Default Province false
_def_crt_csr_loc Default Locality false
_def_crt_csr_key_usage ['digitalSignature', 'keyEncipherment', 'keyAgreement'] false
_def_crt_csr_extended_key_usage ['clientAuth', 'serverAuth'] false
_def_crt_csr_subject_alt_name_critical false false
_def_crt_csr_use_common_name_for_san true false

Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

Variable to description

variable description
crt_ca_fetch_ca_crl_cert Whether to fetch the CRL certificate/s
crt_combine_ca_crl_certs Whether to combine the CRLs into one CRL file (in case of multiple CRLs to fetch)
crt_crl_dest_name Destination name of the combined CRL files
crt_ca_crl_certs CA CRL certificates to download

Variable to default variable

variable default variable
crt_ca_fetch_ca_crl_cert _def_crt_ca_fetch_ca_crl_cert
crt_combine_ca_crl_certs _def_crt_combine_ca_crl_certs
crt_crl_dest_name _def_crt_crl_dest_name

Default variable to default value and requirement

default variable default value required
_def_crt_ca_fetch_ca_crl_cert true false
_def_crt_combine_ca_crl_certs true false
_def_crt_crl_dest_name ca-chain.{{ _def_crt_crl_suffix }} false

Private key

Variable to description

variable description
crt_priv_key_type Private key type to generate
crt_priv_key_size Private key length/size to generate
crt_force_priv_key_generation Whether to force private key regeneration (not idempotent!)

Variable to default variable

variable default variable
crt_priv_key_type _def_crt_priv_key_type
crt_priv_key_size _def_crt_priv_key_size
crt_force_priv_key_generation _def_crt_force_priv_key_generation

Default variable to default value and requirement

default variable default value required
_def_crt_priv_key_type RSA false
_def_crt_priv_key_size 4096 false
_def_crt_force_priv_key_generation false false


Variable to description

variable description
crt_local_dest_path Path on the Ansible controller where to (temporarily) store fetched certificates
crt_local_dest_path_owner Owner of {{ crt_local_dest_path }}
crt_local_dest_path_group Group of {{ crt_local_dest_path }}
crt_local_dest_path_mode Mode of {{ crt_local_dest_path }}
crt_quiet_assert Whether to quiet assert
crt_remove_temporary_local_certificates Whether to remove locally stored temporary certificates (will break idempotency when set to true)
crt_remove_local_dest_path Whether to remove {{ crt_local_dest_path }}
crt_deploy_certificates Whether to deploy certificates to the managed node (don't forget to turn off to remove local files :>)
crt_install_prerequisite_packages Whether to install prerequisite packages. Only disable when you are sure that these are present

Variable to default variable

variable default variable
crt_local_dest_path _def_crt_local_dest_path
crt_local_dest_path_owner _def_crt_local_dest_path_owner
crt_local_dest_path_group _def_crt_local_dest_path_group
crt_local_dest_path_mode _def_crt_local_dest_path_mode
crt_quiet_assert _def_crt_quiet_assert
crt_remove_temporary_local_certificates _def_crt_remove_temporary_local_certificates
crt_remove_local_dest_path _def_crt_remove_local_dest_path
crt_deploy_certificates _def_crt_deploy_certificates
crt_install_prerequisite_packages _def_crt_install_prerequisite_packages

Default variable to default value and requirement

default variable default value required
_def_crt_local_dest_path /tmp/fetched false
_def_crt_local_dest_path_owner {{ ansible_user }} false
_def_crt_local_dest_path_group {{ ansible_user }} false
_def_crt_local_dest_path_mode 0700 false
_def_crt_quiet_assert true false
_def_crt_remove_temporary_local_certificates true false
_def_crt_remove_local_dest_path false false
_def_crt_deploy_certificates true false
_def_crt_install_prerequisite_packages true false

Private key infrastructure (PKI) host

Variable to description

variable description
crt_pki_host_remote_port SSH port of the PKI host

Variable to default variable

variable default variable
crt_pki_host_remote_port _def_crt_pki_host_remote_port

Default variable to default value and requirement

default variable default value required
_def_crt_pki_host_remote_port 22 false

Managed node certificate paths and permissions

Variable to description

variable description
crt_remote_private_key_path Where to copy the private key to on the managed node
crt_remote_private_key_owner Owner of crt_remote_private_key_path
crt_remote_private_key_group Group of crt_remote_private_key_path
crt_remote_private_key_mode Mode of crt_remote_private_key_path
crt_remote_private_key_dir_owner Owner of parent directory of crt_remote_private_key_path
crt_remote_private_key_dir_group Group of parent directory of crt_remote_private_key_path
crt_remote_private_key_dir_mode Mode of parent directory of crt_remote_private_key_path
crt_remote_public_key_path Where to copy the public key to on the managed node
crt_remote_public_key_owner Owner of crt_remote_public_key_path
crt_remote_public_key_group Group of crt_remote_public_key_path
crt_remote_public_key_mode Mode of crt_remote_public_key_path
crt_remote_public_key_dir_owner Owner of parent directory of crt_remote_public_key_path
crt_remote_public_key_dir_group Group of parent directory of crt_remote_public_key_path
crt_remote_public_key_dir_mode Mode of parent directory of crt_remote_public_key_path
crt_remote_ca_public_key_path Where to copy the CA public key to on the managed node
crt_remote_ca_public_key_owner Owner of crt_remote_ca_public_key_path
crt_remote_ca_public_key_group Group of crt_remote_ca_public_key_path
crt_remote_ca_public_key_mode Mode of crt_remote_ca_public_key_path
crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_owner Owner of parent directory of crt_remote_ca_public_key_path
crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_group Group of parent directory of crt_remote_ca_public_key_path
crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_mode Mode of parent directory of crt_remote_ca_public_key_path
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path Where to copy the CA chain cert to on the managed node
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_owner Owner of crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_group Group of crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_mode Mode of crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_owner Owner of parent directory of crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_group Group of parent directory of crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_mode Mode of parent directory of crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path
crt_remote_ca_crl_path Where to copy the combined CRL certificate to on the managed node
crt_remote_ca_crl_owner Owner of crt_remote_ca_crl_path
crt_remote_ca_crl_group Group of crt_remote_ca_crl_path
crt_remote_ca_crl_mode Mode of crt_remote_ca_crl_path
crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_owner Owner of parent directory of crt_remote_ca_crl_path
crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_group Group of parent directory of crt_remote_ca_crl_path
crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_mode Mode of parent directory of crt_remote_ca_crl_path

Variable to default variable

variable default variable
crt_remote_private_key_path _def_crt_remote_private_key_path
crt_remote_private_key_owner _def_crt_remote_private_key_owner
crt_remote_private_key_group _def_crt_remote_private_key_group
crt_remote_private_key_mode _def_crt_remote_private_key_mode
crt_remote_private_key_dir_owner _def_crt_remote_private_key_dir_owner
crt_remote_private_key_dir_group _def_crt_remote_private_key_dir_group
crt_remote_private_key_dir_mode _def_crt_remote_private_key_dir_mode
crt_remote_public_key_path _def_crt_remote_public_key_path
crt_remote_public_key_owner _def_crt_remote_public_key_owner
crt_remote_public_key_group _def_crt_remote_public_key_group
crt_remote_public_key_mode _def_crt_remote_public_key_mode
crt_remote_public_key_dir_owner _def_crt_remote_public_key_dir_owner
crt_remote_public_key_dir_group _def_crt_remote_public_key_dir_group
crt_remote_public_key_dir_mode _def_crt_remote_public_key_dir_mode
crt_remote_ca_public_key_path _def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_path
crt_remote_ca_public_key_owner _def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_owner
crt_remote_ca_public_key_group _def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_group
crt_remote_ca_public_key_mode _def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_mode
crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_owner _def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_owner
crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_group _def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_group
crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_mode _def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_mode
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path _def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_owner _def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_owner
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_group _def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_group
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_mode _def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_mode
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_owner _def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_owner
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_group _def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_group
crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_mode _def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_mode
crt_remote_ca_crl_path _def_crt_remote_ca_crl_path
crt_remote_ca_crl_owner _def_crt_remote_ca_crl_owner
crt_remote_ca_crl_group _def_crt_remote_ca_crl_group
crt_remote_ca_crl_mode _def_crt_remote_ca_crl_mode
crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_owner _def_crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_owner
crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_group _def_crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_group
crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_mode _def_crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_mode

Default variable to default value and requirement

default variable default value required
_def_crt_remote_private_key_path /root/certs/{{ inventory_hostname }}.{{ _def_crt_priv_key_suffix }} false
_def_crt_remote_private_key_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_private_key_group root false
_def_crt_remote_private_key_mode 0400 false
_def_crt_remote_private_key_dir_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_private_key_dir_group root false
_def_crt_remote_private_key_dir_mode 0700 false
_def_crt_remote_public_key_path /root/certs/{{ inventory_hostname }}.{{ _def_crt_cert_suffix }} false
_def_crt_remote_public_key_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_public_key_group root false
_def_crt_remote_public_key_mode 0400 false
_def_crt_remote_public_key_dir_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_public_key_dir_group root false
_def_crt_remote_public_key_dir_mode 0700 false
_def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_path /root/certs/ca.{{ _def_crt_cert_suffix }} false
_def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_group root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_mode 0400 false
_def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_group root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_mode 0700 false
_def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_path /root/certs/ca-chain.{{ _def_crt_cert_suffix }} false
_def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_group root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_mode 0400 false
_def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_group root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_chain_cert_dir_mode 0700 false
_def_crt_remote_ca_crl_path /root/certs/crl.{{ _def_crt_crl_suffix }} false
_def_crt_remote_ca_crl_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_crl_group root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_crl_mode 0400 false
_def_crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_owner root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_group root false
_def_crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_mode 0700 false

A note on crt_remote_ca_crl_path:

Depending on whether crt_combine_ca_crl_certs is set to true, crt_remote_ca_crl_path should either point to a file (when crt_combine_ca_crl_certs: true) or to a directory (when crt_combine_ca_crl_certs: false). On crt_combine_ca_crl_certs: true all files specified in crt_ca_crl_certs will be combined to a single file placed at crt_remote_ca_crl_path. Otherwise all downloaded files will be placed with their original name into crt_remote_ca_crl_path.


This role makes use of the collection community.crypto and which is specified in collections/requirements.yml.

Example Playbook

- hosts: 'all'
  gather_facts: false
    - 'sscheib.generate_ssl_key_pairs'
    # mandatory variables

    # fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the cert
    crt_cert_fqdn: ''

    # passphrase for the certificate authority (CA) private key
    crt_ca_priv_key_pass: !vault |

    # PKI host - this is where the key generation will happen
    crt_pki_host: ''

    # remote user to connect to the PKI host with
    crt_pki_host_remote_user: 'steffen'

    # optional variables

    # certificate suffixes

    # private key suffix
    crt_priv_key_suffix: 'key.pem'
    # certificate signing request (CSR) suffix
    crt_csr_suffix: 'csr.pem'
    # certificate (aka public key) suffix
    crt_cert_suffix: 'cert.pem'
    # certificate revocation list (CRL) suffix
    crt_crl_suffix: 'crl.pem'

    # certificate authority (CA)

    # root directory of the CA on the PKI host
    crt_ca_root_dir: '/root/ca'
    # name of the CA certificate (aka public key)
    crt_ca_cert_name: 'ca.{{ crt_cert_suffix }}'
    # name of the CA chain certificate (for intermediate CAs)
    crt_ca_chain_cert_name: 'ca-chain.{{ crt_cert_suffix }}'
    # name of the CA private key
    crt_ca_priv_key_name: 'ca.{{ crt_priv_key_suffix }}'
    # path of the CA's private keys directory
    crt_ca_priv_key_dir_path: '{{ crt_ca_root_dir }}/private'
    # path of the CA's certificates directory
    crt_ca_cert_dir_path: '{{ crt_ca_root_dir }}/certs'
    # path of the CA's CSR directory
    crt_ca_csr_dir_path: '{{ crt_ca_root_dir }}/csr'
    # path of the CA certificate
    crt_ca_cert_path: '{{ crt_ca_cert_dir_path }}/{{ crt_ca_cert_name }}'
    # path of the CA chain certificate (for intermediate CAs)
    crt_ca_chain_cert_path: '{{ crt_ca_cert_dir_path }}/{{ crt_ca_chain_cert_name }}'
    # path of the CA private key
    crt_ca_priv_key_path: '{{ crt_ca_cert_dir_path }}/{{ crt_ca_priv_key_name }}'
    # whether to fetch the CA certificate
    crt_ca_fetch_ca_cert: true
    # whether fo fetch the CA chain certificate (for intermediate CAs)
    crt_ca_fetch_ca_chain_cert: true

    # Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

    # CSR email
    crt_csr_email: '[email protected]'

    # CSR organization name (O)
    crt_csr_org: 'Example Org'

    # CSR organization unit name (OU)
    crt_csr_org_unit: 'IT'

    # CSR country name (C)
    crt_csr_country: 'DE'

    # CSR state name (S)
    crt_csr_state: 'BW'

    # CSR locality name (L)
    crt_csr_loc: 'Home'

    # CSR common name (usually the FQDN)
    crt_csr_common_name: ''

    # CSR key usage:
      - 'digitalSignature'
      - 'keyEncipherment'
      - 'keyAgreement'

    # CSR extended key usage
      - 'clientAuth'
      - 'serverAuth'

    # subjectAltName (SAN) should be considered critical
    crt_csr_subject_alt_name_critical: true

    # whether the common name should be used for the subjectAltName (SAN) if no specific SANs are provided
    # as crt_csr_subject_alt_names is populated below, this setting does effectively nothing
    crt_csr_use_common_name_for_san: true

    # list of subjectAltNames (SANs) to use
      - ''
      - ''
      - ''
      - 'IP:'
      - 'IP:'
      - 'email:[email protected]'
      - 'URI:'
      - 'otherName:;UTF8:[email protected]'
      - 'RID:'

    # Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
    # whether to fetch the CRL certificate/s
    crt_ca_fetch_ca_crl_cert: true
    # whether to combine the CRLs into one CRL file (in case of multiple CRLs to fetch)
    crt_combine_ca_crl_certs: true
    # destination name of the combined CRL files
    crt_crl_dest_name: 'ca-chain.{{ crt_crl_suffix }}'

    # Private Key
    # private key type to generate
    crt_priv_key_type: 'RSA'
    # private key length/size to generate
    crt_priv_key_size: 4096
    # whether to force private key regeneration
    crt_force_priv_key_generation: false
    # General
    # path on the Ansible controller where to (temporarily) store fetched certificates
    crt_local_dest_path: '/tmp/fetched'
    # Permissions of the files inside crt_local_dest_path
    crt_local_dest_path_owner: 'steffen'
    crt_local_dest_path_group: 'steffen'
    crt_local_dest_path_mode: '0400'
    # whether to quiet assert
    crt_quiet_assert: false
    # SSH port of the PKI host
    crt_pki_host_remote_port: 1905
    # whether to remove locally stored temporary certificates (will break idempotency, if enabled)
    crt_remove_temporary_local_certificates: true

    # whether to remove crt_local_dest_path completely (will break idempotency, if enabled)
    crt_remove_local_dest_path: false

    # path on the managed node where to store fetched certificates

    # private key
    crt_remote_private_key_path: '/root/certs/{{ inventory_hostname }}.key.pem'
    crt_remote_private_key_owner: 'root'
    crt_remote_private_key_group: 'root'
    crt_remote_private_key_mode: '0600'

    # private key directory
    crt_remote_private_key_dir_owner: 'root'
    crt_remote_private_key_dir_group: 'root'
    crt_remote_private_key_dir_mode: '0600'

    # public key
    crt_remote_public_key_path: '/root/certs/{{ inventory_hostname }}.cert.pem'
    crt_remote_public_key_owner: 'root'
    crt_remote_public_key_group: 'root'
    crt_remote_public_key_mode: '0600'

    # private key directory
    crt_remote_public_key_dir_owner: 'root'
    crt_remote_public_key_dir_group: 'root'
    crt_remote_public_key_dir_mode: '0600'

    # certificate authority public key
    crt_remote_ca_public_key_path: '/root/certs/ca.cert.pem'
    crt_remote_ca_public_key_owner: 'root'
    crt_remote_ca_public_key_group: 'root'
    crt_remote_ca_public_key_mode: '0600'

    # certificate authority public key directory
    crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_owner: 'root'
    crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_group: 'root'
    crt_remote_ca_public_key_dir_mode: '0600'

    # certificate authority CRL
    crt_remote_ca_crl_path: '/root/certs/ca.crl.pem'
    crt_remote_ca_crl_owner: 'root'
    crt_remote_ca_crl_group: 'root'
    crt_remote_ca_crl_mode: '0600'

    # certificate authority CRL directory
    crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_owner: 'root'
    crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_group: 'root'
    crt_remote_ca_crl_dir_mode: '0600'

    # CA CRL certificates to download
      - '/root/ca/crl/ca.crl.pem'
      - '/root/ca/intermediate/'


GPL v2 or later


  1. Fully Qualified Domain Name


Generates SSL keys on a PKI host and deploys them to the managed nodes







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