Repo for storing java jars for common usage.
The main purpose of the repo is to
- prevent overwriting of jars that, however unlikely it may be, have the same name.
- prevent accidental importation of jars that have the same package and file names (e.g. different versions of the same library).
Repo structure: lib/jars/[one or more jar categories]/[jars]
The jar file names must contain the version.
For example:
To add jars to this repo, submit a pull request with the new jars in appropriate directories with the jars' licenses in the same directories. Generally speaking, there should be one license per directory. PRs for jars without licenses (new or previously existing in the same folder) will be rejected.
If the jar licenses do not already exist somewhere in the jars repo, expect that it might take extensive time to merge the PR as the license will need to be passed through legal to be sure that redistributing the jars is acceptable.
All jars generated as part of the KBase project should go under the kbase directory. Do not add the kbase license to subdirectories.
3rd party jars should never go into the kbase directory.