Package hashtag implements extraction of Twitter type hashtags, mentions and replies form text in Go. This package partially ports extraction routines from Twitter's official Java package to Go and runs most of the standard twitter-text conformance tests. It does not yet implement URL extraction (and hence URL/Hashtag overlaps), cashtags and lists
Since the package attempts to closely follow the Twitter-Text Java API, function names may be longer than typical Go package function names
Note: As the package matures, I plan to move this to
go get
Import the package as
import ""
This package supports the following functions to extract hashtags and mentions with or without position markers. The functions omit # and @ characters (and also their higher unicode number counterparts @ and #) from return values
ExtractHashtags(text string) []string
ExtractHashtagsWithIndices(text string) []Entity
ExtractMentions(text string) []string
ExtractMentionsWithIndices(text string) []Entity
ExtractReply(text string) string
Read the full documentation and examples on GoDoc