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Application of AI in image-base abnormalities for different diseases classification using TensorFlow

Table of Contents


Medical diagnosis of image-base abnormalities for different diseases classification is the process of determining the abnormality or condition explains a person's symptoms and signs. It is most often referred to as diagnosis with the medical context being implicit. Images are a significant component of the patient’s electronic healthcare record (EHR) and are one of the most challenging data sources to analyze as they are unstructured. As the number of images that require analysis and reporting per patient is growing, global concerns around shortages of radiologists have also been reported. AI-enabled diagnostic imaging aid can help address the challenge by increasing productivity, improving diagnosis and reading accuracy (e.g., reducing missed findings or false negatives), improving departmental throughput, and helping to reduce clinician burnout.

The most common and widely adopted application of AI algorithms in medical image diagnosis is in the classification of abnormalities. With the use of machine learning (ML) and deep learning, the AI algorithm identifies images within a study that warrants further attention by the radiologist/reader to classify the diseases. This aids in reducing the read time as it draws the reader’s attention to the specific image and identifies abnormalities

Reference Solution

■ X-ray images are critical in the detection of lung cancer, pneumonia, certain tumors, abnormal masses, calcifications, etc. In this reference kit, we demonstrate the detection of pneumonia using X-ray images and how a CNN model architecture can help identify and localize pneumonia in chest X-ray (CXR) images.

■ The experiment aims to classify pneumonia x-ray images to detect abnormalities from the normal lung images. The goal to improve latency, throughput (Frames/sec), and accuracy of the abnormality detection by training a CNN model in batch and inference in real-time. Hyperparameter tuning is applied at training for further optimization.

■ Since GPUs are the natural choice for deep learning and AI processing to achieve a higher FPS rate but they are also very expensive and memory consuming, the experiment applies model quantification to speed up the process using CPU, whilst reaching the standard FPS for these types of applications to operate, to show a more cost-effective option using Intel’s technology. When it comes to the deployment of this model on edge devices, with less computing and memory resources, the experiment applies further quantification and compression to the model whilst keeping the same level of accuracy showing a more efficient utilization of underlying computing resources

Key Implementation Details

■ In this refkit we highlighted the difference of using Intel OneAPI packages specially TensorFlow against the packages that of stock version of the same packages.

■ In this refkit we use a CNN model architecture for image classification based on a dataset form healthcare domain.The CNN-based model is a promising method to diagnose the disease through X-ray images. The time required for training the model, inference time and the accuracy of the model are captured for multiple runs on the stock version as well on the Intel OneAPI version. The average of these runs are considered and the comparison have been provided.

■ Model has been quantized using Intel® Neural Compressor and Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit, which has shown high performance vectorized operations on Intel platforms

Reference Implementation

E2E Architecture

Use Case E2E flow


Expected Input-Output

Input Output
X-ray Imaged data (Normal and Infected) Disease classification
Example Input Example Output
X ray Imaged data based on patient's complain
Fast breathing, shallow breathing, shortness of breath, or wheezing, Patient reports pain in throat, chest pain. fever and loss of appetite over the last few days.
{'Normal': 0.1, 'Pneumonia ': 0.99}

Reference Sources


Case Study & Repo:


Please see this data set's applicable license for terms and conditions. Intel®Corporation does not own the rights to this data set and does not confer any rights to it.

Repository clone and Anaconda installation

git clone

Note: In this reference kit implementation already provides the necessary conda environment configurations to setup the software requirements. To utilize these environment scripts, first install Anaconda/Miniconda by following the instructions at the following link
Anaconda installation


Software Requirements

Package Stock Python
Opencv-python opencv-python=
Numpy numpy=1.22
TensorFlow tensorflow =2.8.0
neural-compressor NA
openvino-dev NA


Below are the developer environment used for this module on Azure. All the observations captured are based on these environment setup.

Size CPU Cores Memory Intel CPU Family
Standard_D8_Vs5 8 32GB ICELAKE
YAML file Environment Name Configuration
env/stock/stock-tf.yml stock-tf Python=3.8.x with Stock TensorFlow 2.8.0


Use case Automated methods to detect and classify Pneumonia diseases from medical images
Object of interest Medical diagnosis healthcare Industry
Size Total 5856 Images Pneumonia and Normal
Train: Test Split 90:10

Usage and Instructions

Below are the steps to reproduce the benchmarking results given in this repository

  1. Environment Creation
  2. Dataset preparation
  3. Training CNN model
  4. Hyperparameter tuning
  5. Model Inference

1. Environment Creation

Setting up the environment for Stock TensorFlow
Follow the below conda installation commands to setup the Stock TensorFlow environment for the model training and prediction.

conda env create -f env/stock/stock-tf.yml

Activate stock conda environment Use the following command to activate the environment that was created:

conda activate stock-tf

2. Data preparation

Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia) is downloaded and prepared by extracted in a data folder before running the training python module.

Data downloading steps: 

1. Create a data folder using "mkdir data" and navigate to inside that folder

2. wget

3. tar -xf chest_xray.tar.gz

>**Note**: Make sure "chest_xray" folder should be inside "data" folder  
 scripts have been written in such folder structure

Folder structure Looks as below after extraction of dataset.

- data
    - chest_xray
        - train
            - NORMAL
            - PNEUMONIA
        - test
            - NORMAL
            - PNEUMONIA
        - val
            - NORMAL
            - PNEUMONIA

3. Training

We trained 6 convolution layers and 5 dense layers CNN architecture model to classify the normal and pneumonia from the production pipeline.

Input Size 416x608
Output Model format TensorFlow checkpoint

Training CNN model

Capturing the time for training
Run the training module as given below to start training and prediction using the active environment. This module takes option to run the training.

usage:  [--datadir] 

optional arguments:
  -h,                   show this help message and exit
                        Absolute path to the data folder containing
                        "chest_xray" and "chest_xray" folder containing "train" "test" and "val" 
                         and each subfolders contain "Pneumonia" and "NORMAL" folders 

Command to run training

python src/  --datadir ./data/chest_xray

By default, model checkpoint will be saved in "model" folder.

Note: If any CV2 dependency comes like "cv2 import *ImportError: cannot open shared object file" please execute sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-glx

4. Hyperparameter tuning

hyperparameters used here are as below
Dataset remains same with 90:10 split for Training and testing. It needs to be ran multiple times on the same dataset, across different hyper-parameters

Below parameters been used for tuning

"learning rates" : [0.001, 0.01]
"batchsize" : [10 ,20]


optional arguments:
  -h,                   show this help message and exit

                        Absolute path to the data folder containing
                        "chest_xray" and "chest_xray" folder containing "train" "test" and "val" 
                         and each subfolders contain "Pneumonia" and "NORMAL" folders

Command to run hyperparameter tuning

python src/   --datadir  ./data/chest_xray

By default, best model checkpoint will be saved in "model" folder.

Convert the model to frozen graph

run the conversion module to convert the TensorFlow checkpoint model format to frozen graph format.

usage: python src/ [-h] [--model_dir] [--output_node_names]

optional arguments:
                            show this help message and exit
                            Please provide the Latest Checkpoint path e.g for
                            "./model"...Default path is mentioned

  --output_node_names       Default path is mentioned as "Softmax"

Command to run conversion

python src/ --model_dir ./model  --output_node_names Softmax

Note : Also we need to generate Stock frozen_graph.pb and move all stock model files in new folder named "stockmodel" inside model folder to avoid the overwrite model file conflict when we run scripts in Intel.

5. Inference

Running inference using Stock TensorFlow using 2.8.0

usage: [--codebatchsize ] [--modeldir ]

optional arguments:
  -h,                       show this help message and exit

  --codebatchsize           --codebatchsize
                              batchsize used for inference
  --modeldir                --modeldir         
                              provide frozen Model path ".pb" file...users can also
                              use INC INT8 quantized model here

Command to run inference

python src/ --codebatchsize 1  --modeldir ./stockmodel/updated_model.pb

Note : As we mentioned earlier all the stock generated model need to be moved stockmodel folder and codebatchsize can be changed (1,32,64,128).

Optimizing the E2E solution with Intel® oneAPI components

Use Case E2E flow


Optimized software components

Package Intel Python
Opencv-python opencv-python=
Numpy numpy=1.22
TensorFlow tensorflow=2.9.0
neural-compressor neural-compressor==1.12.0
openvino-dev openvino-dev[tensorflow]==2022.1.0.dev20220316

Optimized Solution setup

YAML file Environment Name Configuration
env/intel/intel-tf.yml intel-tf Python=3.8.x with TensorFlow 2.9.0 with OneDNN

Usage and Instructions

Below are the steps to reproduce the benchmarking results given in this repository

  1. Environment Creation
  2. Training CNN model
  3. Hyperparameter tuning
  4. Model Inference
  5. Quantize trained models using INC and benchmarking
  6. Quantize trained models using Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ and benchmarking

1. Environment Creation

Setting up the environment for Intel oneDNN optimized TensorFlow
Follow the below conda installation commands to setup the Intel oneDNN optimized TensorFlow environment for the model training and prediction.

conda env create -f env/intel/intel-tf.yml

Activate intel conda environment Use the following command to activate the environment that was created:

conda activate intel-tf 

Note: We need to set the above flags everytime before running the scripts below

2. Training CNN model

**Capturing the time for training **
Run the training module as given below to start training and prediction using the active environment. This module takes option to run the training.

usage:  [--datadir] 

optional arguments:
  -h,                   show this help message and exit
                        Absolute path to the data folder containing
                        "chest_xray" and "chest_xray" folder containing "train" "test" and "val" 
                         and each subfolders contain "Pneumonia" and "NORMAL" folders 

Command to run training

python src/  --datadir ./data/chest_xray

By default, model checkpoint will be saved in "model" folder.

Note: If any gcc dependency comes please upgrade it using sudo apt install build-essential. Above training command will run in intel environment and the output trained model would be saved in TensorFlow checkpoint format.

3. Hyperparameter tuning

hyperparameters used here are as below
Dataset remains same with 90:10 split for Training and testing. It needs to be ran multiple times on the same dataset, across different hyper-parameters

Below parameters been used for tuning

"learning rates" : [0.001, 0.01]
"batchsize" : [10,20]


optional arguments:
  -h,                   show this help message and exit

                        Absolute path to the data folder containing
                        "chest_xray" and "chest_xray" folder containing "train" "test" and "val" 
                         and each subfolders contain "Pneumonia" and "NORMAL" folders

Command to run hyperparameter tuning

python src/ --datadir  ./data/chest_xray

By default, model checkpoint will be saved in "model" folder.

Note: Here using --codebatchsize 20 and --learningRate 0.001 best accuracy has been evaluated ,even that model is compatible for INC conversion

Convert the model to frozen graph

Run the conversion module to convert the TensorFlow checkpoint model format to frozen graph format. This frozen graph can be later used for Inferencing, INC and Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™.

usage: python src/ [-h] [--model_dir] [--output_node_names]

optional arguments:
                            show this help message and exit
                            Please provide the Latest Checkpoint path e.g for
                            "./model"...Default path is mentioned

  --output_node_names       Default name is mentioned as "Softmax"

Command to run conversion

python src/ --model_dir ./model --output_node_names Softmax

Note: We need to make sure intel frozen_graph.pb gets generated using intel model files only

4. Inference

Performed inferencing on the trained model using TensorFlow 2.9.0 with oneDNN

Running inference using TensorFlow

usage: [--codebatchsize ] [--modeldir ]

optional arguments:
  -h,                       show this help message and exit

  --codebatchsize           --codebatchsize
                              batchsize used for inference
  --modeldir                --modeldir         
                              provide frozen Model path ".pb" file...users can also
                              use INC INT8 quantized model here

Command to run inference

OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 KMP_BLOCKTIME=100 python src/ --codebatchsize 1  --modeldir ./model/updated_model.pb

Note : Above inference script can be run in intel environment using different batch sizes

5. Quantize trained models using Intel® Neural Compressor

Intel® Neural Compressor is used to quantize the FP32 Model to the INT8 Model. Optimized model is used here for evaluating and timing Analysis. Intel® Neural Compressor supports many optimization methods. In this case, we used post training quantization with Default Quantiztion Mode method to quantize the FP32 model.

Note: We need to make sure intel frozen_graph.pb gets generated using intel model files only .We recommend initiate running hyperparametertuning script with default parameter to get a new model then convert to Frozen graph and using that get the compressed model , if model gets corrupted for any reason below script will not run .

Step-1: Conversion of FP32 Model to INT8 Model

usage: src/INC/  [--modelpath] ./model/updated_model.pb  [--outpath] ./model/output/compressedmodel.pb [--config]  ./src/INC/deploy.yaml

optional arguments:
  -h                          show this help message and exit

  --modelpath                 --modelpath 
                                Model path trained with TensorFlow ".pb" file
  --outpath                   --outpath 
                                default output quantized model will be save in ".model//output" folder
  --config                    --config 
                                Yaml file for quantizing model, default is "./deploy.yaml"

Command to run the neural_compressor_conversion

Activate intel Environment before running

 python src/INC/  --modelpath  ./model/updated_model.pb  --outpath ./model/output/compressedmodel.pb  --config  ./src/INC/deploy.yaml

Quantized model will be saved by default in model/output folder as compressedmodel.pb

Step-2: Inferencing using quantized Model

usage: [--codebatchsize ] [--modeldir ]

optional arguments:
  -h,                       show this help message and exit

  --codebatchsize           --codebatchsize
                              batchsize used for inference
  --modeldir                --modeldir         
                              provide frozen Model path ".pb" file...users can also
                              use INC INT8 quantized model here

Command to run inference

OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 KMP_BLOCKTIME=100 python src/INC/ --codebatchsize 1  --modeldir ./model/updated_model.pb

Note : Above inference script can be run in intel environment using different batch sizes
Same script can be used to benchmark INC INT8 Quantized model. For more details please refer to INC quantization section.By using different batchsize one can observe the gain obtained using Intel® oneDNN optimized TensorFlow in intel environment.

Run this script to record multiple trials and the minimum value can be calculated.

Step-3 : Performance of quantized Model

usage: src/INC/  [--datapath]   [--fp32modelpath]  [--config]   [--int8modelpath ]

optional arguments:
  -h,                       show this help message and exit

  --datapath                --datapath
                              need to mention absolute path of data
  ---fp32modelpath          --fp32modelpath         
                              provide frozen Model path ".pb" file...(Absolute path)

  --config                  --config        
                              provide config path...(Absolute path)

  --int8modelpath          --int8modelpath      
                             provide int8 model path ".pb" file...(Absolute path)

Command to run Evalution of INT8 Model

python src/INC/ --datapath ./data/chest_xray/val --fp32modelpath ./model/updated_model.pb --config ./src/INC/deploy.yaml --int8modelpath ./model/output/compressedmodel.pb

6. Quantize trained models using Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™

When it comes to the deployment of this model on edge devices, with less computing and memory resources, we further need to explore options for quantizing and compressing the model which brings out the same level of accuracy and efficient utilization of underlying computing resources. Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit facilitates the optimization of a deep learning model from a framework and deployment using an inference engine on such computing platforms based on Intel hardware accelerators. Below section covers the steps to use this toolkit for the model quantization and measure its performance.

Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Intermediate Representation (IR) conversion
Below are the steps to convert TensorFlow frozen graph representation to OpenVINO IR using model optimizer.

Environment Setup

Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ is installed in OpenVINO environment. Since Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ supports Tensorflow<2.6.0.

conda env create -f env/OpenVINO.yml

Activate OpenVINO environment

conda activate OpenVINO

Frozen graph model should be generated using, post training from the trained TensorFlow checkpoint model.

Command to create Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ FPIR model

mo --input_meta_graph ./model/Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.meta --input_shape="[1,300,300,3]" --mean_values="[127.5,127.5,127.5]" --scale_values="[127.5]" --data_type FP32 --output_dir ./model  --input="Placeholder" --output="Softmax"

Note: The above step will generate Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.bin and Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.xml as output in model which can be used with OpenVINO inference application. Default precision is FP32.

Model Quantization

python src/OPENVINO/  --datapath ./data/chest_xray/val  --modelpath ./model/Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.xml

optional arguments:
  -h,                     show this help message and exit

  --modelpath,            --modelpath
  --datapath              --datapath
                            dataset folder containing "val"

Command to run coversion of OpenVINO FPIR model to INT8 model

python src/OPENVINO/  --datapath ./data/chest_xray/val  --modelpath ./model/Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.xml

The above step will quantize the model and generate Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.bin and Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.xml as output in ./model/optimized which can be used with Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO throughput and latency benchmarking. post quantization precision is INT8.

Benchmarking with Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Post-Training Optimization Tool

Running inference using Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™
Command to perform inference using Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™. The model needs to be converted to IR format as per the section. Post-training Optimization Tool (POT) is designed to accelerate the inference of deep learning models by applying special methods without model retraining or fine-tuning, like post-training quantization.


  • Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
  • Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO IR converted FP32/16 precision model
  • Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO INT8 model converted using FPIR model.

Performance Benchmarking of full precision (FP32) Model
Use the below command to run the benchmark tool for the FPIR model generated using this codebase for the Pneumonia detection.

Latency mode:
benchmark_app -m ./model/Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.xml -api async -niter 120 -nireq 1 -b 1 -nstreams 1 -nthreads 8

Throughput mode:
benchmark_app -m ./model/Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.xml -api async -niter 120 -nireq 8 -b 32 -nstreams 8 -nthreads 8

Performance Benchmarking of INT8 precision Model
Use the below command to run the benchmark tool for the quantized INT8 model.

Latency mode:
benchmark_app -m ./model/optimized/Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.xml  -api async -niter 120 -nireq 1 -b 1 -nstreams 1 -nthreads 8

Throughput mode:
benchmark_app -m ./model/optimized/Medical_Diagnosis_CNN.xml  -api async -niter 120 -nireq 8 -b 32 -nstreams 8 -nthreads 8

Performance Observations


This section covers the inference time comparison between stock TensorFlow and Tensorflow v2.9.0 with oneDNN for this model building. Accuracy of the models both stock and intel during Training and Hyper parameter tuning is above 90%.

Inference benchmarking results


Key Takeaways

  • Realtime prediction time speedup with Tensorflow 2.9.0 with oneDNN FP32 Model shows up to 1.46x against stock Tensorflow 2.8.0 FP32 Model
  • Batch prediction time speedup with Tensorflow 2.9.0 with oneDNN FP32 Model shows up to 1.77x against stock Tensorflow 2.8.0 FP32 Model
  • Intel® Neural Compressor quantization offers Realtime prediction time speedup up to 2.14x against stock Tensorflow 2.8.0 FP32 model
  • Intel® Neural Compressor quantization offers batch prediction time speedup  up to 2.42x against stock Tensorflow 2.8.0  FP32  model with batch size up to 648. At larger batch size, stock Tensorflow 2.8.0 was unable to complete without errors.
  • No Accuracy drop observed


Experiment setup

Platform Microsoft Azure: Standard_D8_v5 (Ice Lake)
Ubuntu 20.04
Hardware Azure Standard_D8_V5
Software Intel® oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit, TensorFlow
What you will learn Advantage of using TensorFlow (2.9.0 with oneDNN enabled) over the stock TensorFlow (TensorFlow 2.8.0) for CNN model architecture training and inference. Advantage of Intel® Neural Compressor over TensorFlow v2.8.0.

Running on Windows

In order to run this on Windows, goto Start and open WSL and follow the same steps as running on a linux machine starting from git clone instructions. If WSL is not installed you can install WSL.

Note If WSL is installed and not opening, goto Start ---> Turn Windows feature on or off and make sure Windows Subsystem for Linux is checked. Restart the system after enabling it for the changes to reflect.


To add description around running on Windows.



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