Robot localization with IMU ( and odometry data of the mobile platform
clone this repository using the below command in catkin_ws.
$ cd catkin_ws && catkin_make
After successful make, run the following to lauch the um7 and robot localization packages. Here we are expecting the /odom
is publishing the odometry data from the robot platform (such as Husky,Jackal).
$ roslaunch um7 um7.launch
This will publish the imu raw data in /imu/um7 topic.
$ rostopic echo /imu/um7
To view the IMU data in rviz use the imu_link
frame and add the /imu/um7
imu_filter_madgwick is used to filter and fuse the raw data from the IMU devices. It fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation quaternion, and publishes the fused data on the imu/data topic.
$ rostopic echo /imu/data
$ rostopic echo /odometry/filtered