Team Members: Ellen Hendricks, Jennifer Collins, Sarah Small
Project Title: Mining Warcraft
Description: Finding trends in Warcraft for popularity over time, by demographics, and YouTube presence, and examine the in-game economy
Data: Blizzard API ( statistics: profile and game data available; RealmPop for geographic/regional breakdowns (appears to be data from, too).
3-5 initial research questions:
- First, what are the basic user stats…can we track all user data by gender and age over time?
- Can we track how long the average user ‘sticks around’? Frequency and duration of ‘breaks’ from playing
- What kind of player to player buy/sell/trade actions happen? Examine trends within the ‘in-game economy’
- Is it possible to track popularity with YouTube video views? Start with number of channels, expand into number of video views?
Techniques and Tools: slack channel and git repository established
Data Shortcomings: not available yet
=============Update 8/7/2018==============
Comments on Data Sources and Shortcomings:
Having difficulties finding demographic stats over time from Blizzard API, and do not appear to get actual player data, but can get character, faction, and guild statistics by region/server. Use stock market history and create dataframe to analyze numbers by expansion release dates.
Revised / 3 strong research questions:
Does a player's region affect their character faction selection? (i.e. Is the distribution of factions 50/50 by regions?) Null Hypothesis: Region does not affect choice in character faction.
Is there a faction that is more dedicated to playing? Measure this through level of progression through the game and/or PVP rank. Null Hypothesis: Players are likely to progress through the game regardless of faction or PVP rank.
Is there a correlation between stock values of Blizzard and Expansion version releases for WOW? Null Hypothesis: There is no correlation between Blizzard Stock value and expansion version release dates.
=============================Update 8/11/18==============================================================
Decided to change project direction to bikesharing after being unable to get available data to work for WOW project
Project Title: Bike Sharing Trends in Los Angeles Data Sources:
- Track daily total usage over time in LA to get started.
- When is the most popular time of day for shared bike usage? Most popular day of the week?
- Does temperature, precipitaiton, or air quality have an impact on number of daily rides?
- Does the type of fare paid affect when bikes are being used? Bonus
- Run general comparisons for LA vs NY or DC data dependent overall usage
Data issues: having trouble accessing air pollution data, but did get more comprehensive data from metro api to cover more years.
=============================Update 8/21/18==============================================================
List of Notebooks: Project_One_DataCleaningAndFormatting - The code used to reformat the start time and split out the quarters from the original data Project_One_RidesPerDayAndMonth - All plots by day or by month Project_One_DaysOfWeek - All plots by days of the week Project_One_TimeOfDay - All plots from binning the time of day Project_One_comparetoNY - This needed its own date fixing, another different format. Just the one plot.