PHP_CodeSniffer can now be installed using Composer
Require squizlabs/php_codesniffer in your composer.json file
Thanks to Rob Bast, Stephen Rees-Carter, Stefano Kowalke and Ivan Habunek for help with this
Squiz BlockCommentSniff and InlineCommentSniff no longer report errors for trait block comments
Squiz SelfMemberReferenceSniff now supports namespaces
Thanks to Andy Grunwald for the patch
Squiz FileCommentSniff now uses tag names inside the error codes for many messages
This allows you to exclude specific missing, out of order etc., tags
Squiz SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff now has an option to ignore blank lines
This will stop errors being reported for lines that contain only whitespace
Set the ignoreBlankLines property to TRUE in your ruleset.xml file to enable this
PSR2 no longer reports errors for whitespace at the end of blank lines
Fixed gitblame report not working on Windows
Thanks to Rogerio Prado de Jesus
Fixed an incorrect error in Squiz OperatorSpacingSniff for default values inside a closure definition
Fixed bug #19691 : SubversionPropertiesSniff fails to find missing properties
Thanks to Kevin Winahradsky for the patch
Fixed bug #19692 : DisallowMultipleAssignments is triggered by a closure
Fixed bug #19693 : exclude-patterns no longer work on specific messages
Fixed bug #19694 : Squiz.PHP.LowercasePHPFunctions incorrectly matches return by ref functions
You can’t perform that action at this time.