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std.testing: Fully absorb expectEqualBytes into expectEqualSlices
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- In ziglang#13720, expectEqualBytes was added as a standalone function
- In ziglang#13723, expectEqualSlices was made to use expectEqualBytes when the type was u8
- In this commit, expectEqualSlices has fully absorbed expectEqualBytes, and expectEqualBytes itself has been removed

For non-`u8` types, expectEqualSlices will now work similarly to expectEqualBytes (highlighting diffs in red), but will use a full line for each index and therefore will only print a maximum of 16 indexes.
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squeek502 committed Dec 9, 2022
1 parent 5c67f9c commit fb8d065
Showing 1 changed file with 176 additions and 133 deletions.
309 changes: 176 additions & 133 deletions lib/std/testing.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,30 +278,188 @@ test "expectApproxEqRel" {

/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the two slices are not
/// equal, prints diagnostics to stderr to show exactly how they are not equal,
/// then returns a test failure error.
/// equal, prints diagnostics to stderr to show exactly how they are not equal (with
/// the differences highlighted in red), then returns a test failure error.
/// The colorized output is optional and controlled by the return of `std.debug.detectTTYConfig()`.
/// If your inputs are UTF-8 encoded strings, consider calling `expectEqualStrings` instead.
/// If your inputs are slices of bytes, consider calling `expectEqualBytes` instead (this
/// function calls `expectEqualBytes` implicitly when `T` is `u8`).
pub fn expectEqualSlices(comptime T: type, expected: []const T, actual: []const T) !void {
if (T == u8) {
return expectEqualBytes(expected, actual);
if (expected.ptr == actual.ptr and expected.len == actual.len) {
// TODO better printing of the difference
// If the arrays are small enough we could print the whole thing
// If the child type is u8 and no weird bytes, we could print it as strings
// Even for the length difference, it would be useful to see the values of the slices probably.
if (expected.len != actual.len) {
std.debug.print("slice lengths differ. expected {d}, found {d}\n", .{ expected.len, actual.len });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
const diff_index: usize = diff_index: {
const shortest = @min(expected.len, actual.len);
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < shortest) : (index += 1) {
if (!std.meta.eql(actual[index], expected[index])) break :diff_index index;
break :diff_index if (expected.len == actual.len) return else shortest;

std.debug.print("slices differ. first difference occurs at index {d} (0x{X})\n", .{ diff_index, diff_index });

// TODO: Should this be configurable by the caller?
const max_lines: usize = 16;
const max_window_size: usize = if (T == u8) max_lines * 16 else max_lines;

// Print a maximum of max_window_size items of each input, starting just before the
// first difference to give a bit of context.
var window_start: usize = 0;
if (@max(actual.len, expected.len) > max_window_size) {
const alignment = if (T == u8) 16 else 2;
window_start = std.mem.alignBackward(diff_index - @min(diff_index, alignment), alignment);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < expected.len) : (i += 1) {
if (!std.meta.eql(expected[i], actual[i])) {
std.debug.print("index {} incorrect. expected {any}, found {any}\n", .{ i, expected[i], actual[i] });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
const expected_window = expected[window_start..@min(expected.len, window_start + max_window_size)];
const expected_truncated = window_start + expected_window.len < expected.len;
const actual_window = actual[window_start..@min(actual.len, window_start + max_window_size)];
const actual_truncated = window_start + actual_window.len < actual.len;

const ttyconf = std.debug.detectTTYConfig();
var differ = if (T == u8) BytesDiffer{
.expected = expected_window,
.actual = actual_window,
.ttyconf = ttyconf,
} else SliceDiffer(T){
.start_index = window_start,
.expected = expected_window,
.actual = actual_window,
.ttyconf = ttyconf,
const stderr =;

// Print indexes as hex for slices of u8 since it's more likely to be binary data where
// that is usually useful.
const index_fmt = if (T == u8) "0x{X}" else "{}";

std.debug.print("\n============ expected this output: ============= len: {} (0x{X})\n\n", .{ expected.len, expected.len });
if (window_start > 0) {
if (T == u8) {
std.debug.print("... truncated, start index: " ++ index_fmt ++ " ...\n", .{window_start});
} else {
std.debug.print("... truncated ...\n", .{});
differ.write(stderr.writer()) catch {};
if (expected_truncated) {
const end_offset = window_start + expected_window.len;
const num_missing_items = expected.len - (window_start + expected_window.len);
if (T == u8) {
std.debug.print("... truncated, indexes [" ++ index_fmt ++ "..] not shown, remaining bytes: " ++ index_fmt ++ " ...\n", .{ end_offset, num_missing_items });
} else {
std.debug.print("... truncated, remaining items: " ++ index_fmt ++ " ...\n", .{num_missing_items});

// now reverse expected/actual and print again
differ.expected = actual_window;
differ.actual = expected_window;
std.debug.print("\n============= instead found this: ============== len: {} (0x{X})\n\n", .{ actual.len, actual.len });
if (window_start > 0) {
if (T == u8) {
std.debug.print("... truncated, start index: " ++ index_fmt ++ " ...\n", .{window_start});
} else {
std.debug.print("... truncated ...\n", .{});
differ.write(stderr.writer()) catch {};
if (actual_truncated) {
const end_offset = window_start + actual_window.len;
const num_missing_items = actual.len - (window_start + actual_window.len);
if (T == u8) {
std.debug.print("... truncated, indexes [" ++ index_fmt ++ "..] not shown, remaining bytes: " ++ index_fmt ++ " ...\n", .{ end_offset, num_missing_items });
} else {
std.debug.print("... truncated, remaining items: " ++ index_fmt ++ " ...\n", .{num_missing_items});
std.debug.print("\n================================================\n\n", .{});

return error.TestExpectedEqual;

fn SliceDiffer(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
start_index: usize,
expected: []const T,
actual: []const T,
ttyconf: std.debug.TTY.Config,

const Self = @This();

pub fn write(self: Self, writer: anytype) !void {
for (self.expected) |value, i| {
var full_index = self.start_index + i;
const diff = if (i < self.actual.len) !std.meta.eql(self.actual[i], value) else true;
if (diff) self.ttyconf.setColor(writer, .Red);
try writer.print("[{}]: {any}\n", .{ full_index, value });
if (diff) self.ttyconf.setColor(writer, .Reset);

const BytesDiffer = struct {
expected: []const u8,
actual: []const u8,
ttyconf: std.debug.TTY.Config,

pub fn write(self: BytesDiffer, writer: anytype) !void {
var expected_iterator = ChunkIterator{ .bytes = self.expected };
while ( |chunk| {
// to avoid having to calculate diffs twice per chunk
var diffs: std.bit_set.IntegerBitSet(16) = .{ .mask = 0 };
for (chunk) |byte, i| {
var absolute_byte_index = (expected_iterator.index - chunk.len) + i;
const diff = if (absolute_byte_index < self.actual.len) self.actual[absolute_byte_index] != byte else true;
if (diff) diffs.set(i);
try self.writeByteDiff(writer, "{X:0>2} ", byte, diff);
if (i == 7) try writer.writeByte(' ');
try writer.writeByte(' ');
if (chunk.len < 16) {
var missing_columns = (16 - chunk.len) * 3;
if (chunk.len < 8) missing_columns += 1;
try writer.writeByteNTimes(' ', missing_columns);
for (chunk) |byte, i| {
const byte_to_print = if (std.ascii.isPrint(byte)) byte else '.';
try self.writeByteDiff(writer, "{c}", byte_to_print, diffs.isSet(i));
try writer.writeByte('\n');

fn writeByteDiff(self: BytesDiffer, writer: anytype, comptime fmt: []const u8, byte: u8, diff: bool) !void {
if (diff) self.ttyconf.setColor(writer, .Red);
try writer.print(fmt, .{byte});
if (diff) self.ttyconf.setColor(writer, .Reset);

const ChunkIterator = struct {
bytes: []const u8,
index: usize = 0,

pub fn next(self: *ChunkIterator) ?[]const u8 {
if (self.index == self.bytes.len) return null;

const start_index = self.index;
const end_index = @min(self.bytes.len, start_index + 16);
self.index = end_index;
return self.bytes[start_index..end_index];

test {
try expectEqualSlices(u8, "foo\x00", "foo\x00");
try expectEqualSlices(u16, &[_]u16{ 100, 200, 300, 400 }, &[_]u16{ 100, 200, 300, 400 });
const E = enum { foo, bar };
const S = struct {
v: E,
try expectEqualSlices(
&[_]S{ .{ .v = .foo }, .{ .v = .bar }, .{ .v = .foo }, .{ .v = .bar } },
&[_]S{ .{ .v = .foo }, .{ .v = .bar }, .{ .v = .foo }, .{ .v = .bar } },

/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. Checks that two slices or two arrays are equal,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -555,121 +713,6 @@ test {
try expectEqualStrings("foo", "foo");

/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the two slices are not
/// equal, prints hexdumps of the inputs with the differences highlighted in red to stderr,
/// then returns a test failure error. The colorized output is optional and controlled
/// by the return of `std.debug.detectTTYConfig()`.
pub fn expectEqualBytes(expected: []const u8, actual: []const u8) !void {
if (std.mem.indexOfDiff(u8, actual, expected)) |diff_index| {
std.debug.print("byte slices differ. first difference occurs at offset {d} (0x{X})\n", .{ diff_index, diff_index });

// TODO: Should this be configurable by the caller?
const max_window_size: usize = 256;

// Print a maximum of max_window_size bytes of each input, starting just before the
// first difference.
var window_start: usize = 0;
if (@max(actual.len, expected.len) > max_window_size) {
window_start = std.mem.alignBackward(diff_index - @min(diff_index, 16), 16);
const expected_window = expected[window_start..@min(expected.len, window_start + max_window_size)];
const expected_truncated = window_start + expected_window.len < expected.len;
const actual_window = actual[window_start..@min(actual.len, window_start + max_window_size)];
const actual_truncated = window_start + actual_window.len < actual.len;

var differ = BytesDiffer{
.expected = expected_window,
.actual = actual_window,
.ttyconf = std.debug.detectTTYConfig(),
const stderr =;

std.debug.print("\n============ expected this output: ============= len: {} (0x{X})\n\n", .{ expected.len, expected.len });
if (window_start > 0) {
std.debug.print("... truncated, start offset: 0x{X} ...\n", .{window_start});
differ.write(stderr.writer()) catch {};
if (expected_truncated) {
const end_offset = window_start + expected_window.len;
const num_missing_bytes = expected.len - (window_start + expected_window.len);
std.debug.print("... truncated, end offset: 0x{X}, remaining bytes: 0x{X} ...\n", .{ end_offset, num_missing_bytes });

// now reverse expected/actual and print again
differ.expected = actual_window;
differ.actual = expected_window;
std.debug.print("\n============= instead found this: ============== len: {} (0x{X})\n\n", .{ actual.len, actual.len });
if (window_start > 0) {
std.debug.print("... truncated, start offset: 0x{X} ...\n", .{window_start});
differ.write(stderr.writer()) catch {};
if (actual_truncated) {
const end_offset = window_start + actual_window.len;
const num_missing_bytes = actual.len - (window_start + actual_window.len);
std.debug.print("... truncated, end offset: 0x{X}, remaining bytes: 0x{X} ...\n", .{ end_offset, num_missing_bytes });
std.debug.print("\n================================================\n\n", .{});

return error.TestExpectedEqual;

const BytesDiffer = struct {
expected: []const u8,
actual: []const u8,
ttyconf: std.debug.TTY.Config,

pub fn write(self: BytesDiffer, writer: anytype) !void {
var expected_iterator = ChunkIterator{ .bytes = self.expected };
while ( |chunk| {
// to avoid having to calculate diffs twice per chunk
var diffs: std.bit_set.IntegerBitSet(16) = .{ .mask = 0 };
for (chunk) |byte, i| {
var absolute_byte_index = (expected_iterator.index - chunk.len) + i;
const diff = if (absolute_byte_index < self.actual.len) self.actual[absolute_byte_index] != byte else true;
if (diff) diffs.set(i);
try self.writeByteDiff(writer, "{X:0>2} ", byte, diff);
if (i == 7) try writer.writeByte(' ');
try writer.writeByte(' ');
if (chunk.len < 16) {
var missing_columns = (16 - chunk.len) * 3;
if (chunk.len < 8) missing_columns += 1;
try writer.writeByteNTimes(' ', missing_columns);
for (chunk) |byte, i| {
const byte_to_print = if (std.ascii.isPrint(byte)) byte else '.';
try self.writeByteDiff(writer, "{c}", byte_to_print, diffs.isSet(i));
try writer.writeByte('\n');

fn writeByteDiff(self: BytesDiffer, writer: anytype, comptime fmt: []const u8, byte: u8, diff: bool) !void {
if (diff) self.ttyconf.setColor(writer, .Red);
try writer.print(fmt, .{byte});
if (diff) self.ttyconf.setColor(writer, .Reset);

const ChunkIterator = struct {
bytes: []const u8,
index: usize = 0,

pub fn next(self: *ChunkIterator) ?[]const u8 {
if (self.index == self.bytes.len) return null;

const start_index = self.index;
const end_index = @min(self.bytes.len, start_index + 16);
self.index = end_index;
return self.bytes[start_index..end_index];

test {
try expectEqualBytes("foo\x00", "foo\x00");

/// Exhaustively check that allocation failures within `test_fn` are handled without
/// introducing memory leaks. If used with the `testing.allocator` as the `backing_allocator`,
/// it will also be able to detect double frees, etc (when runtime safety is enabled).
Expand Down

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