Tracking code for the Tello drone. It uses opencv and tellopy to identify a ball in the scene and then send commands to the drone. It is written in python3 and
You need to have opencv installed and the following python modules for the tello and cv2: apt
sudo apt install sudo libopencv-dev python3-opencv
sudo pip3 install imutils pynput
you need to build tellopy from source as the : Or install from the source code.
git clone
cd TelloPy
python bdist_wheel
pip install dist/tellopy-*.dev*.whl --upgrade
- Although tellos are very safe to operate, wear safety glasses as an added precaution
- Do not fly over people
- Memorize the controls before taking off
- Always be ready to land the drone (backspace)
- If the program crashes restart it to regain control
- if drone is going out of control just hit it and it will turn off.
- flashing blue - charging
- solid blue - charged
- flashing purple - booting up
- flashing yellow fast - wifi network set up, waiting for connection
- flashing yellow - User connected
hit r to record a video it is output to /Pictures