Simple XMPP console client written in Rust and inspired by Profanity.
- Channel
- Roster
- Auto completion
- Bookmarks
- Consistent color generation
- Omemo (no MUC support currently)
- Display image with Sixel support
cargo install aparte
git clone --branch develop
cd aparte
guix package -f guix.scm
Package with GuixRUS
The GuixRUs channel also provides aparte
After subscribing to GuixRUs
by adding the channel entry to your channels.scm, run the following two commands:
guix pull
guix install aparte
AUR package is available: aparte-git
git clone
cd aparte-git
makepkg -si
Or with your favorite aur-helper:
paru aparte-git
Aparté should be available inside the Windows subsystem for Linux. The following instruction are made for a Debian based subsystem (debian or ubuntu for example).
First enter the WSL:
PS C:\> debian
Then ensure the required dependencies are installed.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libssl-dev pkg-config curl
Rust can be installed with rustup.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source ~/.cargo/env
Finally install Aparté.
cargo install --git --branch develop
Aparté can be configured with a configuration file.
The configuration file should be placed in
is not set,
Aparte will fallback to $HOME/.config/aparte/config.toml
The configuration file should look like the following:
bell = true
jid = "[email protected]/aparte"
autoconnect = true
Join [email protected]