SQLiteCloud is a powerful Kotlin library that allows you to interact with the SQLite Cloud backend server seamlessly. It provides methods for various database operations and real-time notifications. This package is designed to simplify database operations in Android applications, making it easier than ever to work with SQLite Cloud.
Database Operations: Easily perform database operations, including queries, updates, inserts, and more.
Real-time Notifications: Get real-time notifications from the SQLite Cloud backend server.
Efficient: SQLiteCloud is designed for efficiency, ensuring that your database operations are fast and reliable.
You can install the SQLiteCloud Kotlin library by downloading this repository and adding the sqlitecloud
module into your project (for example, if you're using Android Studio, place the sqlitecloud
directory within your project's root directory, select the menu File > New > Import Module...
and select such directory). Then, in your project's build.gradle
, add the following line to the dependencies
implementation(project(mapOf("path" to ":sqlitecloud")))
val configuration = SQLiteCloudConfig(hostname = "myproject.sqlite.cloud", username = "", password = "")
val sqliteCloud = SQLiteCloud(appContext = applicationContext, config = configuration)
myCoroutineScope.launch {
val result = try {
} catch (e: SQLiteCloudError) {
"connection error: ${e.message ?: "unknown error"}"
Log.d("MyTag", result)
let configuration = SQLiteCloudConfig.fromString("sqlitecloud://user:[email protected]:port/dbname?timeout=10&key2=value2&key3=value3")
val sqliteCloud = SQLiteCloud(appContext = applicationContext, config = configuration)
myCoroutineScope.launch {
val result = try {
} catch (e: SQLiteCloudError) {
"connection error: ${e.message ?: "unknown error"}"
Log.d("MyTag", result)
SQLiteCloud is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.