This book has been updated to Xcode 8 and Swift 3.0 as of 09/21/2016.
Learn Apple's game engine called SpriteKit together with Swift 3.0. Along the way I'll introduce you to some programming concepts that make your code easier to write, read, re-use and will make your game more robust.
Together we'll build an Endless Runner space themed game where the player must avoid meteors and pick up stars for bonus points. Games are a great way to start your journey as a Software Developer and learn the Apple Developer environment.
All you need is a Mac and a copy of Xcode downloaded for free from the Mac App Store. I have provided the rest. Let's get started.
1 - Choose a location on your Mac to keep the original source code. In this example we'll make a Source folder in your Documents folder.
mkdir ~/Documents/Source
2 - Clone the spritekitbook-swift project from GitHub.
cd ~/Documents/Source && git clone
3 - When you want to sync with the latest version on GitHub.
cd ~/Documents/Source/spritekitbook-swift
git fetch origin
git reset —-hard origin/master