NOTE: This repository is no longer maintaned, for the maintained version please see
For internal use, please see oscar-bandiera
Bandiera is a simple, stand-alone feature flagging service that is not tied to any existing web framework or language as all communication is via a simple REST API. It also has a simple web interface for setting up and configuring flags.
- Ruby -
- Node -
- Scala -
- PHP -
There are two ways you can work with/develop the Bandiera code-base - locally on your own machine (connected to your own database etc.); or within docker containers.
We prefer the docker setup as this is most likely closer to a production setup than your local machine (unless you run the same OS and setup as your production boxes).
To get started, you will need to install docker and docker-compose - see the quick install instructions below for your OS.
Then run the following command:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d db
This runs the db in the background under docker.
docker-compose run app bundle exec rake db:migrate
docker-compose up app
This builds the docker containers for Bandiera, sets up your development database, and then starts the service.
You can now visit the web interface at if you are on Linux, or on Mac OS X (if this
doesn't work check the IP of your docker machine with docker-machine ip
docker-machine active``).
You're all set to develop Bandiera now!
You can also run the test suite within a docker container, simply run the following command in another terminal (or tab):
docker-compose up test
This uses Guard and will run the test suite every time you update one of the files.
Install Docker for Mac
Install docker and docker-compose by following the Docker instructions here.
You're now ready to go.
Install Docker for Windows
First, you will need the version of Ruby defined in the .ruby-version file and bundler installed. You will also need to install phantomjs as this is used by the test suite for integration tests.
After that, set up your database (MySQL or PostgreSQL) ready for Bandiera (just an empty schema for now), and setup an environment variable with a Sequel connection string i.e.
export DATABASE_URL='postgres://bandiera:bandiera@localhost/bandiera'
Now install the dependencies, setup the database and run the app server:
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec shotgun -p 5000 -s puma
You can now visit the web interface at
Use this command to run the test suite:
bundle exec rspec
Or if you prefer to use Guard:
bundle exec guard -i -p -l 1
Now you're ready to go.
All other documentation can be found on the Bandiera Wiki
Bandiera is licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.0.