⭐ New Features
Add Kotlin example showing integration with WebTestClient #11612
Set permissions for GitHub actions #11644
🪲 Bug Fixes
Add Deprecated annotation to WebSecurity#securityInterceptor #11636
Fix saganCreateRelease saganDeleteRelease Required Permissions #11426 fails to return more than one "attribute" #11608
RequestRejectedHandler does not reliable prevent Internal Server Error #11673
Sources and javadocs missing in latest snapshots #11629
Spring Security Bcrypt with strength/log rounds = 31 results in 'Bad number of rounds' error although 31 should be ok #11485
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
Update hibernate-entitymanager to 5.6.10.Final #11683
Update io.projectreactor to 2020.0.22 #11680
Update jsonassert to 1.5.1 #11684
Update mockk to 1.12.5 #11679
Update org.eclipse.jetty to 9.4.48.v20220622 #11682
Update org.springframework to 5.3.22 #11685
Update to 2021.1.6 #11686
Update reactor-netty to 1.0.22 #11681
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