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Build on Your Computer

Milton Smith edited this page Jun 8, 2018 · 15 revisions

To Build DeepViolet Project from Source Using Maven

mvn clean 
mvn compile assembly:assembly -DdescriptorId=jar-with-dependencies

The output of the build process are two DeepViolet API JAR files. DeepViolet-*-SNAPSHOT.jar is a binary containing only the DeepViolet project binary distribution. DeepViolet-*-dependencies.jar includes the project binary distribution as well as the DeepViolet project dependencies(e.g., logback). Choose the best binary distribution your project or DeepViolet-*-dependencies.jar if you are not sure where to begin. If you only wish to build the project with no dependencies then, mvn clean ; mvn install is acceptable.

To Build DeepViolet JavaDocs from Source

mvn javadoc:javadoc

Unless you change the default location the output of the JavaDoc build process is located within your project folder,

<project target>/sites/apidocs/