This command line program reads through the complete history of the peepeth contract and has the possibility to process each peep's data.
Useful for re-organizing peepeth data or creating data slices.
- a running IPFS daemon on localhost (
- an Ethereum node with websocket support ( run Parity / geth ) or use Infura (discouraged because centralized)
Pro Tip: check for a free (as in hassle-free) linux image that includes all of the above !
npm install
node ./bin.js --ipfsapihost localhost --ipfsapiport 5001 --web3hostws wss://
Currently the only thing that this does is iterate through all Peepeth events - and un it through the current version of parsers. The only thing that they do currently is copying the centralized aspects of Peepeth ( the avatar images and backgrounds ) to IFPS and create a tree of linked peeps on IPFS. A demo of the output is currently at - but there is a lot more that we could do using this data..
Each peep event is read from the smart contract in the peepin.js
file. Each event first trigggers a download of the related IPFS data (The IPFS hash in the contract function) and then looks up if a parser exists for its type, and if so it passes all this data to the corresponding parser ( see parsers/index.js
for the mapping of data-types -> parser.
The parser then does whatever he wants with the data. Currently the implemented parsers use a local 'leveldb' database to store some of its info for easiers lookups later.
If you want to help implement parsers, there's some info and ideas in this epic
Sample data:
"info": "Peepeth creator.",
"location": "California",
"realName": "Bevan Barton",
"website": "",
"avatarUrl": "peepeth:bECcUGZh:jpg",
"backgroundUrl": "peepeth:vbbfAvi2:jpg",
"messageToWorld": "Do the right thing.",
"untrustedTimestamp": 1521080303
"type": "peep",
"content": "Yes. Yesssss. ",
"pic": "",
"untrustedAddress": "0x94b26d7a0145635ed3dad4b786f47b6be4f3945a",
"untrustedTimestamp": 1521521622,
"shareID": null,
"parentID": "Qmf4TMhyrqhRH8YtwdnzvrPU28pYVGtDTiix6zVzh8kKY2"
Sample data:
"type": "peep",
"content": "Yay mobile!!\n\nThe great news is we have @pete from #Cipher @sid from #Toshi and @vikmeup from #Trust (I like to shout about mobile)\n\nBetween those three we can get a great mobile experience. ",
"pic": "",
"untrustedAddress": "0x13ebd3443fa5575f0eb173e323d8419f7452cfb1",
"untrustedTimestamp": 1521775536,
"shareID": "QmREFpaf53MLW1C3MyHxgmbVdUxS5VjKHjeP2hPuhEjwbg",
"parentID": null
Sample data:
"batchSaveJSON": [
"peep": {
"ipfs": "QmaZvkhSyb9DBwWjKPwMAACyQRAAGVUm2mPc8sPb1B4v5Y",
"untrustedTimestamp": 1521247003
"untrustedTimestamp": 1521247022
Sample data:
"type": "peep",
"content": "...and Peepeth is live! Thanks to all who helped.\n\nShare what matters, reward the truth, and have fun!",
"pic": "",
"untrustedAddress": "0x30755d3e65c0cf46c35b72d11e52d941c5fc3a3e",
"untrustedTimestamp": 1521135122,
"shareID": null,
"parentID": null
Sample data:
"info": "Peepeth creator.",
"location": "California",
"realName": "Bevan Barton",
"website": "",
"avatarUrl": "peepeth:bECcUGZh:jpg",
"backgroundUrl": "peepeth:vbbfAvi2:jpg",
"messageToWorld": "Do the right thing.",
"untrustedTimestamp": 1521080303
Sample data:
"type": "tip",
"content": "Great job Bevan!",
"parentID": "QmQfeQuPE3sxeCSrmHMLXxUZysRkA7YsodLYkPkrYXw9CU",
"shareID": null,
"untrustedAddress": "0x788d7dcc3c5a23ab08b343e25d76e0cd3174761c",
"untrustedTimestamp": 1521156236
unFollow(_followee address)
setIsActive(_isActive bool)
follow(_followee address)
changeName(_name bytes16)
setNewAddress(_address address)
transferAccount(_address address)
names( address)
addresses( bytes32)
accountExists(_addr address)
isValidName(bStr bytes16)
setMinSiteTipPercentage(newMinPercentage uint256)
interfaceInstances( uint256)
transferOwnership(newOwner address)
Currently we need more insights in the data format and improve the parsers. So if you want to take a look at the issues, please install the ZenHub plugin for your browser ( and head over to the board.