Net::Presto - Presto client library for Perl
use Net::Presto;
my $presto = Net::Presto->new(
server => 'localhost:8080',
catalog => 'hive',
schema => 'mydb',
user => 'scott',
source => 'myscript', # defaults to Net::Presto/$VERSION
time_zone => 'US/Pacific', # optional
language => 'English', # optional
# easy to use interfaces
my $rows = $presto->select_all('SELECT * FROM ...');
my $row = $presto->select_row('SELECT * FROM ... LIMIT 1');
my $col = $presto->select_one('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ...');
$presto->do('CREATE TABLE ...');
# See Net::Presto::Statament for more details of low level interfaces
my $sth = $presto->execute('SELECT * FROM ...');
while (my $rows = $sth->fetch_hashref) {
for my $row (@$rows) {
Presto is a distributed SQL query engine for big data.
Net::Presto is a client library for Perl to run queries on Presto.
Creates and return a new Net::Presto instance with options.
%options might be:
address[:port] to a Presto coordinator
Catalog (connector) name of Presto such as `hive-cdh4`, `hive-hadoop1`, etc.
Default schema name of Presto. You can read other schemas by qualified name like `FROM myschema.table1`.
User name to connect to a Presto
Source name to connect to a Presto. This name is shown on Presto web interface.
Time zone of the query. Time zone affects some functions such as `format_datetime`.
Language of the query. Language affects some functions such as `format_datetime`.
Session properties.
Shortcut for execute and fetchrow_hashref
Shortcut for execute and fetchrow_hashref->[0]
Shortcut for execute and fetch->[0]
Execute a single statement.
Execute a statement and returns a Net::Presto::Statement object.
Copyright (C) Jiro Nishiguchi.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Jiro Nishiguchi [email protected]