A boilerplate Mithril application using ES6, Babel, Webpack 3, Tailwind CSS, Webpack dev server hot reload and eslint
To get started, clone the project and install the dependencies:
cd mithril-tailwindcss-startkit
yarn install
Start up Webpack in dev mode:
yarn start
# Webpack dev server will run and open the app on the browser with HRM,
Start up Webpack in watch mode:
yarn watch
# Webpack watch mode refresh dist file when source change
Compile the app for production:
yarn build
# Compiles the app for production and all compiled files lies on dist dir.
# To deploy an the application simply transfer the dist to a web server's public directory.
|-- dist # Compiled files
| |-- css
| | |-- main.css
| | |-- main.css.map
| |-- js
| | |-- main-bundle.js
| | |-- main-bundle.js.map
| | |-- manifest-bundle.js
| | |-- manifest-bundle.js.map
| | |-- vendor-bundle.js
| | |-- vendor-bundle.js.map
| |-- index.html
|-- node_modules # 3rd-party libraries
|-- src # Application source files
| |-- components
| | |-- layout
| | | |-- layout.css
| | | |-- layout.js
| | |-- main
| | |-- main.css
| | |-- main.js
| |-- images
| | |-- favicon.png
| |-- init
| | |-- index.css # Global style
| | |-- index.js # Main js file
| | |-- routes.js # Mitrhil route
| |-- model
| | |-- app.js # Application state
| |-- pack
| | |-- application.js # Application entry point
| |-- index.html
|-- Guardfile
|-- README.md
|-- package.json
|-- postcss.config.js # PostCss config
|-- tailwind.js # Tailwind config
|-- webpack.common.js
|-- webpack.dev.js # WebPack dev mode config
|-- webpack.prod.js # WebPack build config
|-- webpack.watch.js # WebPack watch mode config
|-- yarn.lock