This package contains sphinxcontrb.datatemplates, an extension for Sphinx to render parts of reStructuredText pages from data files in formats like JSON, YAML, and CSV.
- Repo:
- Docs:
--- key1: value1 key2: - list item 1 - list item 2 - list item 3 nested-list: - ['a', 'b', 'c'] - ['A', 'B', 'C'] mapping-series: - cola: a colb: b colc: c - cola: A colb: B colc: C
.. -*- mode: rst -*- Individual Item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {{ data['key1'] }} List of Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {% for item in data['key2'] %} - {{item}} {% endfor %} Nested List Table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rendering a table from a list of nested sequences using hard-coded headers. {{ make_list_table( ['One', 'Two', 'Three'], data['nested-list'], title='Table from nested lists', ) }} Mapping Series Table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rendering a table from a list of nested dictionaries using dynamic headers. {{ make_list_table_from_mappings( [('One', 'cola'), ('Two', 'colb'), ('Three', 'colc')], data['mapping-series'], title='Table from series of mappings', ) }}
See the sphinx output online.