Python Client for the S&P Global Commodity Insights API.
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Requires Python >= 3.9.0.
pip install spgci
import spgci as ci
ci.set_credentials(<username>, <password>)
mdd = ci.MarketData()
symbols = ["PCAAS00", "PCAAT00"]
Alternatively, you can set your credentials via Environment Variables and omit the set_credentials
Environment Variable | Description |
SPGCI_USERNAME | Your Username |
SPGCI_PASSWORD | Your Password |
- Automatically generates token prior to making request.
- Returns data as a pandas DataFrame (set
to get the rawrequest.response
object). - Can auto-paginate response and concatenates into a single DataFrame (set
to enable). - Sets datatype for
fields in DataFrame. - Composes nicely with native python/pandas types. Arguments support
which are automatically converted into filter expressions.
import spgci as ci
mdd = ci.MarketData()
mdd.get_symbols(commodity="Crude oil")
# DataFrame of symbols with commodity = "Crude oil".
# DataFrame of all Market Data Categories you are subscribed to.
# DataFrame of current assessments for all symbols in the Market Data Category "ET".
import spgci as ci
fc = ci.ForwardCurves()
commodity=["Benzene", "Crude oil"],
# DataFrame of all curves with commodity in ("Benzene", "Crude Oil") and have a Monthly frequency.
fc.get_assessments(curve_code=["CN003", "CN006"])
# DataFrame of the latest assessments for all symbols in the curves ("CN003", "CN006").
import spgci as ci
epf = ci.EnergyPriceForecast()
epf.get_prices_shortterm(symbol="PCAAS00", month=[10, 11, 12])
# DataFrame of monthly forecasts for the symbol "PCAAS00" in the last 3 months of the year.
epf.get_prices_longterm(year=[2020, 2021], sector="Energy Transition", delivery_region="Europe")
# DataFrame of the annual forecasts for the years in ("2020", "2021"), where the sector is "Energy Transition" and the delivery region is "Europe".
import spgci as ci
from datetime import date
ewmd = ci.EWindowMarketData()
# DataFrame of Markets.
d = date(2023,2,13)
ewmd.get_botes(market=["EU BFOE", "US MidWest"], order_time=d)
# DataFrame of all BOTes in the markets ("EU BFOE", "US MidWest") on Feb 13, 2023.
import spgci as ci
wos = ci.WorldOilSupply()
countries = wos.get_reference_data(type=wos.RefTypes.Countries)
# DataFrame of all countries.
wos.get_ownership(country=countries['countryName'][:3], year=2040)
# DataFrame of Ownership for the first three countries from the countries endpoint and year "2040".
import spgci as ci
wrd = ci.WorldRefineryData()
wrd.get_yields(year=2020, owner="BP")
# DataFrame of yields for the year "2020" where "BP" is the refinery owner.
ref = wrd.get_reference_data(type=wrd.RefTypes.Refineries)
# DataFrame of all refineries.
az = ref[ref['Name'].str.contains("Al-Zour")]
# DataFrame of runs for the refineries with "Al-Zour" in the name.
# DataFrame of outages for refineryId 245.
import spgci as ci
ni = ci.Insights()
ni.get_stories(q="Suez", content_type=ni.ContentType.MarketCommentary)
# DataFrame of articles related to "Suez" where the content type is "Market Commentary".
# DataFrame of all subscriber notes related to "Naptha".
ni.get_heards(q="Steel", content_type=ni.HeardsContentType.Heard, geography=['Europe', 'Middle East'], strip_html=True)
# DataFrame of all Heards related to "Steel" where the geography is in ("Europe", "Middle East") with HTML Tags removed from the headline and body.
import spgci as ci
od = ci.GlobalOilDemand()
od.get_demand(country="Cambodia", product=["Naphtha", "Ethane"])
# DataFrame of forecast monthly demand for ("Naphtha", "Ethane") for Cambodia.
products = od.get_reference_data(type=od.RefTypes.Products)
# DataFrame of all "products" covered by Global Oil Demand dataset.
od.get_demand(product=products["productName"][:3], year_gte=2023)
# DataFrame of forecast monthly demand for the first 3 products in the previous DataFrame and the year >= 2023.
od.get_demand_archive(scenario_id=150, country="Norway")
# DataFrame of an archived (March 2023) forecast of monthly oil demand for Norway.
import spgci as ci
from datetime import date
ng = ci.NANaturalGasAnalytics()
ng.get_pipelines(state="NJ", facility_type="Interconnect")
# DataFrame of pipelines in "NJ" with facility type "Interconnect"
# DataFrame of pipelines with name "Algonquin"
# DataFrame of flows for pipeline_id 32 (Algonquin) for last 2 days.
d = date(2023, 7, 24)
ng.get_pipeline_flows(nomination_cycle="I2", gasdate=d)
# DataFrame of all pipeline flows during the I2 nomination cycle on gas date 2023-07-24
import spgci as ci
giem = ci.GlobalIntegratedEnergyModel()
giem.get_demand(country="Cambodia", product=["Naphtha", "Ethane"])
# DataFrame of energy demand for ("Naphtha", "Ethane") for Cambodia.
giem.get_demand_archive(scenario_id=559, country="Cambodia", product=["Naphtha", "Ethane"])
# DataFrame of an archived demand data of giem for Cambodia.
# DataFrame of all "products" covered by Global Oil Demand dataset.
import spgci as ci
af = ci.Arbflow()
af.get_margins_catalog(location_id = 34, crude_symbol="AAQZB00")
# DataFrame of refining margins catalog for ("AAQZB00") for Location Id 34.
af.get_margins_data(margin_id=229, margin_date='2023-08-16')
# DataFrame of refining margins data of arbflow for '2023-08-16'.
af.get_arbitrage(margin_id=[220,330], base_margin_id=1514, frequency_id=2)
# DataFrame of arbitrage data with frequencyId = 2 (Monthly).
# DataFrame of all "locations" covered by Refining Margins & Crude Arbitrage dataset.
import spgci as ci
lng = ci.LNGGlobalAnalytics()
lng.get_tenders(country_name="United States", paginate=True)
# DataFrame of tenders with country = 'United States'.
lng.get_tenders(contract_type="FOB", contract_option="Sell")
# DataFrame of tenders with ContractType = "FOB" and ContractOption = "Sell".
# DataFrame of liquefaction projects.
lng.get_outages(liquefaction_project_name="ADNOC LNG")
# DataFrame of all LNG outages tied to the liquefaction project "ADNOC LNG".
lng.get_netbacks(date_gt="2024-01-01", import_geography="Brazil")
# DataFrame of all LNG Netbacks where import geography is 'Brazil' since Jan 1, 2024.
# DataFrame of the current supply forecast for Indonesia
lng.get_demand_forecast_history(import_market="Japan", month="2024-12-01")
# DataFrame of all historical forecasts (one per month) of the LNG demand for Japan in December 2024.
lng.get_cargo_trips(trade_route="Suez Canal", date_loaded_gte="2024-01-01")
# DataFrame of trips through the Suez Canaal that loaded since 2024.
# DataFrame of partial re-exports (a fraction of the delivered LNG is re-exported during transportation)
# DataFrame of offtake contracts headed to 'Japan'
lng.get_assets_contracts_liquefaction_trains(train_status=["Existing","Under Construction"])
# DataFrame of liquefaction trains which are either 'Existing' or 'Under Construction'
lng.get_gas_demand(market=["United States", "Mexico"], period_type="Monthly")
# DataFrame of gas demand for the different categories in the U.S. and Mexico on a monthly basis.
market=["India", "Pakistan", "Bangladesh"],
source="Power Generation By Fuel",
# DataFrame of power generation for India, Pakistan, Bangladesh by fuel type on a monthly basis.
import spgci as ci
ca = ci.CrudeAnalytics()
# DataFrame of latest scores for all countries.
ca.get_country_scores(country="United States")
# DataFrame of all (historical and current) scores for country = "United States".
# DataFrame of aggregated scores, supply and capacity per date.
import spgci as ci
w = ci.Weather()
# DataFrame of forecasts for Boston
w.get_forecast(market="United States", weather_date_gte="2024-01-01", weather_date_lte="2024-01-31")
# DateFrame of forecasts in the United States in January 2024.
w.get_actual(market="Hong Kong", paginate=True)
# DataFrame of actual weather in Hong Kong, paginate=True to get full history.
import spgci as ci
sh = ci.StructuredHeards()
# DataFrame of the list of markets that have structured heards.
sh.get_heards(market="Americas crude oil", heard_type="trade")
# DateFrame of heards in the Americas crude oil market that are of type 'trade'.
import spgci as ci
chem = ci.Chemicals()
chem.get_unique_values(dataset="production", columns=["commodity"])
# See the unique values for each field per dataset. Useful for finding out the exact values to fitler on for fields like commodity, region, etc..
event_begin_date_gt="2023-01-01", country="China", event_type=["expand", "startup"]
# DataFrame of capacity events in plants in China, that are either "expand" or "startup" since 2023-01-01
chem.get_capacity_to_consume(is_active=[True, False], commodity="Polybutadiene rubber")
# DateFrame of capacities to consume. Setting `is_active` to [True, False] allows you to include records that were corrected or removed which is useful for Point-In-Time analysis.
chem.get_short_term_prices(commodity="Acetone", delivery_region="US Gulf Coast")
# DataFrame of short-term (monthly) price forecasts for Acetone delivered to the US Gulf Coast.
# DataFrame of chemical plant outages since Jan 1, 2023 where the capacity impacted is >= 500 and the status is `Confirmed`.
import spgci as ci
egp = ci.EUGasAnalytics()
# DataFrame of all net flows out of Norway in October 2024 in Million Cubic Meters.
df = egp.get_overview_hub_balance(
average_type="Daily value",
index=["hubFlowType", "hubSubFlowType"],
# DataFrame of hub balances for October 2024 for PEG in Million Cubic Meters
# Pivot Table shows this grouped by FlowType (demand, supply, storage, etc...) and +/- N Days.
import spgci as ci
rp = ci.OilNGLAnalytics()
rp.get_arbflow_arbitrage(from_region="Persian Gulf", to_region="Japan")
# DataFrame of arbitrage opportunities for commodities from the Persian Gulf to Japan by concept, commodity and date.
rp.get_arbflow_arbitrage(commodity="Jet Fuel", concept="incentive")
# DataFrame of arbitrage opportunities for Jet Fuel using the `incentive` concept.