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skip unknown warehouses #79

skip unknown warehouses

skip unknown warehouses #79

Workflow file for this run

name: Lua-checks
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: luacheck-linter
id: luacheck-linter
uses: lunarmodules/luacheck@v1
continue-on-error: true
args: . --no-global --no-unused --no-redefined --no-unused-args --no-max-line-length --ignore 611 612 613 614; echo "lua-lint-result=$?" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# luacheck returns exit 1 with warnings, so we continue on error and check the output in the next step
- name: Check lua errors
run: |
echo "luacheck exit code was ${{ steps.luacheck-linter.outputs.lua-lint-result }}"
if [ ${{ steps.luacheck-linter.outputs.lua-lint-result }} -eq 1 ]; then echo "Luacheck found warnings but no errors. Allowed to continue."; exit 0; fi;
if [ ${{ steps.luacheck-linter.outputs.lua-lint-result }} -eq 2 ]; then echo "Luacheck found errors. Check the luacheck-linter task above for details."; exit 2; fi;
exit 3