Note that this README maybe has mistakes, if you have stuck try to learn files in repo and follow by links bellow.
npm i
// to test vue components
npm run test:unit
// to test nuxt
npm run test:acceptance
npm i --save-dev @cucumber/cucumber @babel/core @babel/register @babel/preset-env
Make directory structure and package.json by official cucumber guide
Replace require
by import
in step_definitions/steps.js
To support "es6 import" update scripts.test
in package.json
: replace "test": "cucumber-js"
by "test": "cucumber-js --require-module @babel/register"
Create babel.config.js
module.exports = {
presets: ['@babel/preset-env']
Now your cucumber works.
To compile vue Single File Components you can use this guide
Meaningful steps:
- Create file
- Install require dependencies
npm i --save-dev require-extension-hooks require-extension-hooks-vue require-extension-hooks-babel@beta jsdom jsdom-global
Update scripts.test
in package.json
: "test": "cucumber-js --require-module @babel/register --require test/_setup.js --require features/step_definitions/*.js
Install @vue/test-utils
npm i --save-dev @vue/test-utils
// test/_setup.js
// Set up JSDom.
// Fix the Date object, see <>.
window.Date = Date
// Setup browser environment
const hooks = require('require-extension-hooks');
const Vue = require('vue');
// Setup Vue.js to remove production tip
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
// Setup vue files to be processed by `require-extension-hooks-vue`
// Setup vue and js files to be processed by `require-extension-hooks-babel`
hooks(['vue', 'js']).exclude(({filename}) => filename.match(/\/node_modules\//)).plugin('babel').push();
Now you can test vue single file components!
Note that @vue/test-utils
should be import earlier then your vue component.
To add nuxt support you can see that repo
You need update test/_setup.js
const hooks = require('require-extension-hooks');
if (process.env.TEST === 'unit') {
const Vue = require('vue');
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
window.Date = global.Date = Date;
if (process.env.TEST === 'e2e') {
const Vue = require('vue');
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
// Setup vue files to be processed by `require-extension-hooks-vue`
// Setup vue and js files to be processed by `require-extension-hooks-babel`
hooks(['vue', 'js'])
({filename}) => filename.match(/\/node_modules\//) || filename.includes('webpack.config.test.js')
As you can see we introduce ENVIRONMENT variable TEST
. To set this variable install cross-env
package and update your package.json
Also we add webpack.config.test.js
and babel-plugin-webpack-alias-7
and update babel.config.js
to support path like ~/components/Hello
npm i cross-env
// package.json
"test:unit": "cross-env TEST=unit cucumber-js --require-module @babel/register --require test/_setup.js --require features/step_definitions/*.js",
"test:integration": "cross-env TEST=e2e cucumber-js --require-module @babel/register --require test/_setup.js --require features/acceptence_definitions/*.js"
// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
presets: ['@babel/preset-env'],
"plugins": [
["babel-plugin-webpack-alias-7", {config: './test/webpack.config.test.js'}]
Now features/step_definitions
contains step definitions for test components and features/acceptance_definitions/*.js
contains step definitions for nuxt tests.