This is a docker-compose example which allows shared memory connections from a PASOE docker instance to a separate DB docker instance.
This will allow you to start 1 DB docker instance with x PAS instances behind an haproxy.
- Docker & docker-compose
- Linux host
- PROGRESS_OE_11.7.2_LNX_64.tar.gz
- License for OE Enterprise RDBMS & Progress ProdAS for OE
There are 3 Dockerfile's in this repo:
- /Dockerfile
- /db/Dockerfile
- /pas/Dockerfile
The Docker file at the root builds a base image with the OpenEdge install files included. This image is used in the subsequent db & pas Dockerfiles.
A requirement for this is that your db must be in the same locations on the host + docker instances, i chose /db Create a copy of the sports2000 db in the /db folder
## clone
$ git clone
$ cd oedocker
## Build base image
$ cp /path/to/oe/install/PROGRESS_OE_11.7.2_LNX_64.tar.gz .
$ ./
## Build db image
# Edit db/oe-117-db.ini and insert your serial / control numbers
$ cd db/
$ cp /path/to/oe/install/db/progress.cfg .
$ ./
## Build PAS
# Edit db/oe-117-pas-prod.ini and insert your serial / control numbers
$ cd pas/
$ cp /path/to/oe/install/pas/progress.cfg .
$ ./
## From repo root
$ docker-compose up --scale pas=3
Open your bowser to http://localhost/web/test.w