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This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 30, 2023. It is now read-only.


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MVP of service for sending verification codes through telegram (instead of sms)

User registers in the system and creates a project.

After the project created it's owner can add new abonents to it. The abonent will start with pending status and must confirm it's identity in telegram bot by entering confirmation code that owner will see when the abonent added to the project.

Abonents with pending status can't receive codes in telegram bot.

Command in telegram bot for abonent to confirm it's identity:


Owner can refresh confirmation code if abonent didn't confirm it's identity in 30 secs.

After abonent identity is confirmed, owner can request code for abonent to be sent in telegram. Code verification takes place on owner side and not handled by the service.

If code send failed than abonent will change it's status to deactivated. In that case reactivation of abonent will be required.

Owner can also deactivate abonent manually at any time.

For convenience seeds containing test user, test project and test abonent created already.

Up and running

  1. Install Postgresql 15.0
  2. Obtain telegram bot API token
  3. Copy example secrets:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Put BOT_TOKEN FROM second step in .env file
  2. Setup database:
mix ecto.setup
  1. Up system
source .env && iex -S mix phx.server

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