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twilio-aws-ivr - A simple Twilio & AWS powered IVR

A basic, but configurable IVR implemented in Python, deployed with AWS & Chalice and telephony via Twilio.



  • Highly-available, AWS lambda/API gateway powered IVR
  • IVR greeting, main menu and configurable actions
  • Redirect, hangup, call forwarding & voicemail actions
  • Conditional day/hours checking support

## Setup

Clone the project repository.

In a terminal, go to the project directory and initialise with: direnv allow. Once complete you will have a python 3 virtual environment for this project (as long as you are within the project), if you don't want to install direnv then you'll need to setup your own virtual env.

Run ./ to install the relevant python packages and configure some elements of the repository.

Edit/configure the example config.ini. Please refer to the configuration section which covers this in detail. The default configuration will not work if deployed.

As part of configuring your IVR, you will almost certainly need to create some recordings. If you don't fancy making your own voice recordings, an easy way to achieve high-quality recordings is by using AWS's Polly service.

Upload your mp3s to either Twilio's Assets area in the "Runtime" section, or alternatively, somewhere like AWS S3. You can then reference the URLs to your uploaded recordings in your config file.

When ready deploy your IVR with chalice deploy if successful the command will print out an API endpoint.

You can then go back into your config.ini and set the lambda_ping_endpoint in the [aws] section. The value should look something like this: The "ping" endpoint is a simple action which will be hit regularly by AWS Cloudwatch events to keep the lambda function active & warm to avoid any initial cold-start delays if someone calls your IVR after a period of inactivity.

Login to Twilio and select the number you want to use with this IVR and in its configuration section ensure the following items are set:

  • Accept incoming: "Voice calls"
  • Configure with: "Webhooks..."
  • A call comes in: "Webhook" and then the API endpoint which should look something like:

Hit Save to commit these changes.

Now try and ring your Twilio number and test your IVR. If you receive the Twilio voice error message you can check the logs via chalice logs and also from with Twilio's admin panel.


The config.ini file is broken into different sections, some pre-defined and some user-defined. Each time you update your configuration file you will need to redeploy your IVR.

[twilio] section

Twilio configuration data.

Name Description Mandatory?
account_sid Your twilio account SID Yes
auth_token Your twilio auth token Yes

[aws] section

AWS & Chalice configuration data.

Name Description Mandatory?
lambda_ping_endpoint The location of your IVR endpoint to hit No
lambda_ping_frequency_minutes How often the lambda should be hit (in minutes) No1
chalice_debug Enable/disable chalice debugging No

[ivr] section

General configuration options for your IVR.

Name Description Mandatory?
timezone The name of your timezone (e.g., Europe/London) Yes

[ivr_welcome] section

Configuration options for the initial call-answering welcome message.

Name Description Mandatory?
play_sample The URL of the recording to play on answering No
hours The name of hours section to check No
hours_action_on_closed The name of the action to execute if out of the defined hours No2

[ivr_menu] section

Name Description Mandatory?
play_sample The URL of the recording to play on answering No
pause The amount of time to pause in seconds before looping No
no_input_sample The sample to play if no menu option has been selected No
no_input_max_loops The maximum times to loop the menu on no input No
no_input_action_on_max_loops The action to execute when max loops has been achieved No
hours The name of hours section to check No
hours_action_on_closed The name of the action to execute if out of the defined hours No2

[ivr_menu_option_*] sections

Name Description Mandatory?
action The action to execute for the selected menu option Yes
play_sample The URL of the recording to play on answering No
hours The name of hours section to check No
hours_action_on_closed The name of the action to execute if out of the defined hours No2

[action_*] sections

Actions are what direct and handle the selected main menu options. There are currently 4 different type of actions you can define. You can define as many actions as are necessary.

"forward" action

This action allows you to forward to a phone number which takes the call. You also have some options to redirect the action to another action if the phone number you're forwarding to is busy or doesn't answer etc.

Name Description Mandatory?
type Set to forward Yes
play_sample The URL of the recording to play on answering No
phone_number The phone number to forward the call to Yes
action_on_busy The action to redirect to if the phone_number is busy Yes
action_on_no_answer The action to redirect to if the phone_number does not answer Yes
action_on_failed The action to redirect to if the phone_number fails Yes
action_on_canceled The action to redirect to if the phone_number cancels Yes
hours The name of hours section to check No
hours_action_on_closed The name of the action to execute if out of the defined hours No2

"hangup" action

This action simply hangs up the phone and can optionally play a sample before doing so.

Name Description Mandatory?
type Set to hangup Yes
play_sample The URL of the recording to play on answering No
hours The name of hours section to check No
hours_action_on_closed The name of the action to execute if out of the defined hours No2

"redirect" action

This action directs to another action, useful for pointing the user back to the menu for unused menu options and also conditional processing based on "hours" (see below)

Name Description Mandatory?
type Set to redirect Yes
play_sample The URL of the recording to play on answering No
path The API path to redirect to Yes
hours The name of hours section to check No
hours_action_on_closed The name of the action to execute if out of the defined hours No2

"voicemail" action

This action takes a voicemail message and sends the user an SMS link to listen to the message.

Name Description Mandatory?
type Set to voicemail Yes
play_sample The URL of the recording to play on answering Yes
hangup_sample The sample to play just before hanging up the call Yes
voicemail_alert_sms_from The twilio number to send the SMS from Yes
voicemail_alert_sms_to The mobile number to send the SMS to Yes
voicemail_timeout The number of seconds to wait until it stops recording Yes
voicemail_max_length The maximum length allowed in seconds for a single voicemail Yes
hours The name of hours section to check No
hours_action_on_closed The name of the action to execute if out of the defined hours No2

[hours_*] sections

Hours allow you to conditionally

Note: that for any section which supports the "hours" option, it will process this before any other options. For example if you are "out of hours" and have a play_sample defined, it will not play this recording but will instead execute the hours_action_on_closed definition first instead.

Name Description Mandatory?
mon Time range for Monday Yes3
tue Time range for Tuesday Yes3
wed Time range for Wednesday Yes3
thu Time range for Thursday Yes3
fri Time range for Friday Yes3
sat Time range for Saturday Yes3
sun Time range for Sunday Yes3

To be implemented

  • Unit tests :)
  • Better hours support (e.g., shorthand for all day, multiple range support for a single day)


1 Required if lambda_ping_endpoint is defined.

2 Required if hours is defined.

3 Required but can be left blank meaning (closed all day)


A simple Twilio & AWS powered IVR







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