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Custom Blueprint Format

spacehamster edited this page Feb 6, 2019 · 19 revisions

Blueprint Information File

The Blueprint Information File file BlueprintInfo.json lets the mod know which blueprints to load. The file must be placed in \Steam\steamapps\common\YourGame\Mods\CustomBlueprints\folder\BlueprintInfo.json.

  "Classes": [
  "Races": [
  "Feats": [
  "Register": [
  • Classes (optional) - A list of blueprint files of type BlueprintCharacterClass to be added to the class selection
  • Races (optional) - A list of blueprint files of type BlueprintRace to be added to the class selection
  • Feats (optional) - A list of blueprint files of type BlueprintFeature to be added to the basic feat selection
  • Register (optional) - A list of blueprint files of type BlueprintScriptableObject to be made available to the game

Blueprint Format

  "$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Buffs.Blueprints.BlueprintBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
  "m_Flags": "hiddenInUi, stayOnDeath",
  "Stacking": "replace",
  "Frequency": "rounds",
  "FxOnStart": "Resource:ead2b48db5552414a8b63e33683534ac:Prefabs/Abilities/Fascinate00_CasterCycle",
  "FxOnRemove": null,
  "m_AllowNonContextActions": false,
  "m_DisplayName": "LocalizedString:5aec144a-c679-411c-8d0b-4757bb9ec9c5:Fascinate",
  "m_Description": "LocalizedString:9de4eee0-8f9a-4571-bf6b-785248cb2e20:At 6th level, a bard...",
  "m_Icon": {
    "$type": "Sprite",
    "name": "Command",
    "InstanceId": 53576
  "Components": [
      "$id": "1",
      "$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Buffs.Components.AddAreaEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
      "AreaEffect": "Blueprint:a4fc1c0798359974e99e1d790935501d:FascinateArea",
      "name": "$AddAreaEffect$3a9f707d-03e6-46c7-83b3-68ee5b0c8f86"
  "m_AssetGuid": "555930f121b364a4e82670b433028728",
  "name": null
  • $type (required) - the C# class name and assembly
  • $copy (optional) - a string of format Blueprint:AssetId:Comment to pre-populate fields from.
  • $replace (optional) - a string of format Blueprint:AssetId:Comment. Replaces fields from existing blueprint instead of creating a new one.
  • $append (optional) - a string of format Blueprint:AssetId:Comment. Append to fields from existing blueprint instead of creating a new one.
  • Blueprint Refrence (optional) - a string of format Blueprint:AssetId:Comment or File:path.json:Comment
  • Resource Refrence (optional) a string of format Resource:AssetId:Comment or File:path.json:Comment
  • LocalizedString Reference (optional) - a string of format LocalizedString:Key:Comment or CustomString:Key:Comment
  • Unity Object Reference (optional) - an object containing the field 'InstanceId':integer, $type and name fields are optional. Used to refrence GameObjects, Sprites, Textures and Materials.
  • name (required) - Must be the same name as the blueprint filename without the json suffix. For example file Data\folder\MyClass.json must have the name MyClass


A json file located in CustomBlueprints\Localization\locale.json of the format

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