Development of a PowerShell Module for AVM FritzBox open HTTP API
Version Updates: Renaming of cmdlets and new cmdlet to set the temperature at a specific controller. Available Cmdlets:
- Get-StringMD5Hash
- Get-FSHMeasuredTemp
- Get-FSHDevices
- Set-FSHTemperature Example: Set-FSHTemperature -Ain -SID -Temperature <8-28; OFF; ON>
Version Available Cmdlets:
- Get-StringMD5Hash
- Get-FritzBoxSID
- Get-HtrMeasuredTemp
- Get-HtrDevices News: The Get-HtrDevices Cmdlet returns a pscustomobject with a lot of information about all existing radiator controllers.
- AIN : 119590144168
- Name : Keller
- Manufacturer : AVM
- ProductName : Comet DECT
- FirmWare : 03.54
- Active : True
- Temperature : 21
- Offset : 0
- TempDesired : 20
- TempEco : 20
- TempComfort : 20
- DeviceLock : True
- ReplaceBattery : False
Version Available Cmdlets:
- Get-StringMD5Hash
- Get-FritzBoxSID
- Get-HtrMeasuredTemp