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Main page: sova-tts-engine


The Tacotron2 network is used as the main synthesis engine. We took its implementation from NVIDIA, added various improvements that might be found in articles, and made the code more user-friendly.

How to train a new model

First of all you need to install all dependencies (which can be found in the reuqirements.txt) and convert the dataset to the LJ Speech format, where each line contains relative path to the audio file and its text, separated by "|" sign, e.g.:

wavs/000000.wav|С трев+ожным ч+увством бер+усь я з+а пер+о.

Then divide it into two files: the training list (90% of the data) and the validation list (10% of the data).

After that configure the config file as needed, or just use the default one, filling in the values of parameters output_dir (where to save checkpoints), training_files (path to the training list), validation_files (path to the validation list) and audios_path (path to the audio folder, so that together with the relative path to the audio, the full path is obtained).

When everything is ready, launch the training process:

  • in case if you changed hparams.yaml inside the 'data' folder: python
  • in case if you have some other config file: python -p path/to/hparams.yaml

Config explanation

To train a new model, you need to understand what the fields in the config file mean. Many of them are taken from the NVIDIA repository, and many have been added by us. Below are the parameters of the configuration file that you most likely want to change.

Experiment Parameters

device - device on which calculations will be performed in pytorch format, e.g. 'cuda:0'

epochs - number of training epochs
iters_per_checkpoint - number of iterations before validation and saving the checkpoint

output_dir - folder where the checkpoints and logs will be saved
log_dir - subfolder inside the output_dir

checkpoint - path to the pretrained model (optional)
warm_start - if True, the parameters of the optimizer, the lr scheduler, and the layers from the parameter ignore_laysers will not be loaded from the checkpoint

seed - just seed
fp16_run - if True, calculations with fp16 accuracy will be performed where possible

ignore_laysers - layers that should not be loaded from the checkpoint (only when warm_start==True)
ignore_mismatched_layers - if True, layers from the checkpoint whose dimension differs from the layers of the same name in the model will not be loaded

Data Parameters

load_mel_from_disk - if True, mel spectrograms will be downloaded from disk and not calculated on the go
audios_path - path to the audio files folder
training_files - path to the list of files for training
validation_files - path to the list of files for validation

charset - character set, using for text encoding (for more information, see the nlp-preprocessor documentation)
use_basic_handler - whether to use basic or full functionality for chosen charset (language)

mask_stress - Union[float, bool]. If float, the number must be in {0, 1} - the probability of masking stressed words into learning process (passing them unstressed)
mask_phonemes - Union[float, bool]. If float, the number must be in {0, 1} - the probability of masking phoneme representation of words into learning process (passing them in grapheme representation; works only if phonetization module is presented in the text preprocessing)
word_level_prob - if True, the stress and phoneme masking will be applied to individual words, otherwise to the entire sentence.

shuffle - whether to shuffle the data for training
optimize - if true, then the training batches will be formed from sentences that are close in length
len_diff - what difference in length is acceptable for sentences in a single batch

Audio Parameters

add_silence - whether to add a small amount of silence to the end of the audio (helps more stable work of the gate layer)
trim_silence - whether to cut out sections of silence (including inside audio)
trim_top_db - the level at which silence is cut off (too low level can lead to the loss of useful information)

Model Parameters

activation - used activation function (prenet, encoder); possible entries: 'linear', 'relu', 'leaky_relu', 'selu', 'tanh'

use_gst - whether to use the GST module
reference_encoder_activation used activation function (gst reference encoder); possible entries: 'linear', 'relu', 'leaky_relu', 'selu', 'tanh'

stl_token_num - number of style tokens in the GST module
stl_num_heads - number of heads of the multi head attention layer in the GST module

Optimization Hyperparameters

guided_attention_type - way of regulating the mechanism of attention; possible entries: 'none', 'diagonal', 'prealigned'
attention_weight - coefficient of participation loss of the attention in calculating the total loss
diagonal_factor - 0.15 (the greater the diagonal factor, the less the penalty for non-diagonality)

optimizer - possible entries: 'sgd', 'adam', 'radam', 'diffgrad', 'novograd', 'yogi', 'adabound'; used optimizers from pytorch and pytorch-optimizer repo
learning_rate - learning rate
weight_decay - weight regularization
optim_options - additional options for different types of optimizers (possible parameters)

with_lookahead - whether to activate lookahead wrapper around the optimizer, which stabilizes exploration of the loss surface and improves convergence; examples: Ranger = RAdam + LookAhead

lr_scheduler - learning rate schedulers; possible entries: 'none', 'multi_step', 'exp', 'plateau', 'cyclic'; used schedulers from pytroch
lr_scheduler_options - additional options for different types of learning rate schedulers (possible parameters)
restore_scheduler_state -
batch_size - batch size; with fp16_run==True is is possible to set larger values for this parameter

initscheme - weight initialization scheme

MMI options

use_mmi - whether to use the MMI module
use_gaf - whether to use gradient adaptive factor (working with use_mmi==True only)
max_gaf - minimal value of the gradient adaptive factor

Teacher forcing control

tf_replacement - type of the mechanism that limits usage of the teacher forcing; possible entries:

  • 'none' - teacher forcing is always used
  • 'global_mean' - some frames will be replaced by dataset global mean value
  • 'decoder_output' - some frames will be replaced by decoder outputs from previous step

p_tf_train - probability with which frames will be treated in conventional teacher forcing mode during training
p_tf_val - probability with which frames will be treated in conventional teacher forcing mode during validation

global_mean_npy - path to the numpy file, containing global mean value for the dataset