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Syntax guide

Soutaro Matsumoto edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 14 revisions

Magic comment

# rbs_inline: enabled magic comment is required to generate RBS from Ruby code.

# rbs_inline: enabled

class Foo

You can also use # rbs_inline: disabled magic comment for --opt-out options.

Defining classes

The class syntax in Ruby is translated to class definition in RBS. Note that the class names and super class names must be constant syntax in Ruby.

class Foo

Generic classes can be defined with # @rbs generic annotation.

# @rbs generic A -- Type of `a`
# @rbs generic unchecked in B < String -- Type of `b`
class Foo

The class definition generates the following RBS definition:

class Foo[A, unchecked in B < String]

The constant super class is supported. Generics is also supported by #[ annotation.

class Foo < String

class Bar < Array #[String]

# @rbs inherits annotation allows specifying super class with RBS syntax, even if the super class syntax in Ruby is something unsupported.

# @rbs inherits Hash[String, Integer]
class Foo < Hash

# @rbs inherits Struct[String | Integer]
class Bar <, :name, keyword_init: true)

Defining modules

The module syntax in Ruby is translated to a module definition in RBS. Note that the module name must be constant syntax in Ruby.

module Foo

Generics is supported with # @rbs generic annotation, like class definition.

Module self type constraints can be defined with # @rbs module-self annotation.

# @rbs module-self BasicObject
module Kernel

Blocks defining classes and modules

For method calls with blocks that defines modules/classes implicitly, we introduce @rbs class and @rbs module syntax.

module Foo
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  # @rbs module ClassMethods
  class_methods do
    # @rbs () -> Integer
    def foo = 123

The @rbs module and @rbs class annotations accepts RBS syntax for opening modules/classes. end is omitted.


Mixin method calls with constant syntax -- include, prepend, and extend -- are translated to mixin syntax in RBS.

class Foo
  include Foo

  extend Enumerable #[Integer, void]

The #[ syntax allows mixing generic modules.

Method definitions

We have two syntaxes for type of methods.

#: syntax

This is more primitive syntax. It allows writing RBS method type embedded in Ruby code.

#: () -> String
def to_s

#: (?Regexp?) -> Enumerator[String, void]
#: (?Regexp?) { (String) -> void } -> void
def each_person(pattern = nil, &block)

Having multiple #: syntax generates method definition with overloads.

# @rbs syntax

You can also write method types after # @rbs keyword.

# @rbs () -> String
def to_s

# @rbs (?Regexp?) -> Enumerator[String, void]
#    | (?Regexp?) { (String) -> void } -> void
def each_person(pattern = nil, &block)

Note that the @rbs METHOD-TYPE syntax allows writing method overloadings with |s.

Doc style syntax

Here is the example of doc style syntax.

# @rbs size: Integer -- The size of the section in px
# @rbs optional: Integer -- Type of the optional parameter
# @rbs title: String -- Title of the section
# @rbs content: String -- Type of the optional keyword parameter
# @rbs *rest: String -- Type of the rest args
# @rbs **kwrest: untyped -- Type of the keyword rest args
# @rbs return: Section? -- Returns the new section or `nil`
def section(size, optional=123, title:, content: "Hello!", *rest, **kwrest)

You can write down type of parameters like # @rbs var: TYPE -- some comments. The @rbs return: TYPE defines the return type.

The block types can be defined with # @rbs &block: annotations.

# @rbs &block: (?) -> untyped -- Block is required, but not clear what will be yielded
def foo(&block)
  yield 1
  yield 2, "true"

# @rbs &block: ? (?) -> untyped -- Block is optional
def bar(&block)

# @rbs &: (String) -> void -- It yields String
def baz

The variable names of *, **, and & syntax are optional, as the omission is allowed in Ruby too.

# @rbs *: untyped
# @rbs **: String
# @rbs &: ? (String) -> bool
def foo(*, **) = nil

We also have #: syntax at method definition which allows defining method return type.

def to_s #: String

The parse now handles parameter type declarations even with keywords. The only exception is return type, and the return keyword should be escaped as !return for the type of the parameter.

# @rbs yields: String
# @rbs skip: untyped
# @rbs !return: bool
def foo(return:, yields:, skip:) #: void

Overriding methods

# @rbs override annotation tells the method is overriding the super class definition.

# @rbs override
def foo(x, y)

This generates def foo: .... We need this annotation to avoid having parameters types and the return type untyped, while we don't want to copy and paste the super method definition.

Singleton methods

def syntax inside a class/module definition is supported.

Other receivers nor singleton class definition syntax <<self are not supported.

RBS annotations

# @rbs %a{} syntax allows giving annotations to methods.

# @rbs %a{pure} %a{another:annotation}
def to_s #: String


The standard attribute definition methods are supported -- attr_reader, attr_writer, and attr_accessor.

class Foo
  attr_reader :name #: String
  attr_reader :size, :count #: Integer

Attribute names defined with symbol literal are supported. One attribute method call can have several names, but all of them will have the same type.

Instance variables

You can use # @rbs @var: Type annotation.

class Foo
  # @rbs @name: String -- Instance variable
  # @rbs self.@all_names: Array[String] -- Instance variable of the class

Constant types

Add #: syntax to declare constant of a specific type. The gem infers some simple types for literals.

VERSION = "1.2.3"

Foo = [1,2,3].sample #: Integer


alias syntax in Ruby code is detected and alias declaration will be generated in RBS.

class Foo
  def ==(other) #: bool

  alias eql? ==

Skipping constructs

You may want to # @rbs skip annotation to skip generating RBS definition.

# @rbs skip
class HiddenClass

class Foo
  # @rbs skip
  def hidden_method

Embedding RBS elements directly

We have # @rbs! annotation for something not covered by the annotations.

class Person
  include ActiveModel::Model
  include ActiveModel::Attributes

  attribute :id, :integer, default: 0
  attribute :name, :string, default: ''

  # @rbs!
  #   attr_accessor id (): Integer
  #   attr_accessor name (): String

Deprecated syntaxes


  • # @rbs returns T is deprecated. Use # @rbs return: T.
  • # @rbs yields: T is deprecated. Use # @rbs &block: T syntax.
  • #:: is deprecated. Use #: syntax.