Example of pre-configured SourceJS bundle for building React Component Libraries and Style Guides.
Based on latest SourceJS 0.6 nightly builds, and a bunch of plugins:
Available features:
- Live code editor
- Automatic React Doc generation
- Hot Module Replacement
- Clarify mode for responsive testing
- Advanced navigation support
- SourceJS ecosystem support
npm i && npm start
To update SourceJS (in case of new installed plugins), run
npm run build-source
Example components are placed into ./specs
folder. Each component has its JSX/CSS sources, readme.md
documentation with component examples and text description and info.json
meta file.
Simple, but extendable syntax allows automatically building rich component presentation pages.
# Placeholder Spec
<%- info.__docGenRaw.description %>
## Properties
<%- info.__docGenHTML %>
## Basic placeholder
<Placeholder type="beard"/>
Renders into
The MIT License, see the included license.md file.