This is a set of Lua scripts for Shroud of the Avatar. Just drop the ones you want to use in your Lua directory (/datafolder will open the directory), and run "/lua reload", if the game is already running.
info.sotadb.clock.lua - a clock showing the real-life time (so you don't lose track when in full-screen)
info.sotadb.healerhelper.lua - tells you when to heal yourself (planned to expanding to all members of party)
info.sotadb.loottracker.lua - keeps track of who wins rolls for what items
info.sotadb.pools.lua - shows your adventure and production XP pools / rate of change / and attenuation status (an astrisk when attenuated) in the bottom left corner of your screen
info.sotadb.util.lua - is a series of utilities for script writers. Notably for identifying stats