Schrody is a cool game that is ment to teach you about quantum superposition and quantum gates in a fun way.
You are Schrody, Schrodinger's cat. You have been put in a box by your master for an experiment. Now you are in a superposition - half dead half alive. You must remain alive and be 100% alive when your master opens the box to see the result of his experiment.
In the box there are some quantum gates and you must use them to transition from the superposition state to the |ALIVE> state. However, if you are still in a suprposition when Dr. Schrodinger opens the box, you still have a random chance (depending on the suerposition) of remaining alive and passing to the next level.
In each level you start in a different superposition of |DEAD> and |ALIVE> (|0> = |DEAD>, |1> = |DEAD>). The superposition is shown to you in the Bloch sphere at the top left of the screen and in the formula at the top of the screen.
In the box there are several quantum gates. Each time you collect a gate your superposition changes accordingly. The goal is to transition, using the quantum gates, from the superposition state to the |ALIVE> state (|1>).
The level ends when: 1. You are no longer in a superposition but in a defined state. If you are in the state |ALIVE> you pass the level. If you are in the state |DEAD> you fail. 2. The time ends. If you are still in a superposition when the time ends and Dr. Schrodinger looks in the box your state colapses randomly to either |DEAD> or |ALIVE>. If you are in luck and you get the state alive you can pass the level. If not you fail.
Once the level has ended press space to pass to the next level or restart the level
The game has been developed and tested only on environments running Windows 10. Prerequisites: Python 3.7, pip, Npm.
Clone or download the sources.
Open a command prompt in an environment that has to Python 3.7 installed.
Run pip install qiskit
to install Qiskit
Run pip install flask
to install Flask
Run pip install flask_restful
to install Flask Restfull
Run pip install flask_cors
to install Flas Cors
Navigate to the working folder.
Run python backend/
to start the server. This will launch the server on "http://localhost:5000". Make sure the port is open.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the main working folder.
Run npm install
to install dependencies.
Run npm start
The game should start in a new browser tab