To access deployed website, go to:
In order to run the code locally
- clone the repo
- run 'npm run build'
- run 'npm run start'
I used react for frontend development. For the backend, I used node, express, mongoDB, mongoose, with a bit of react-query.
Foodwars is a full-stack website where users can share their custom recipes with others and receive nutrient scores based on the ingredients they use. This is done through an api. Every midnight, the theme of the day is updated using a random word generating API. Users who adhere to the theme and select 'yes' when posting their recipe can have their recipe featured on the leaderboard. The leaderboard displays all recipes in the category and ranks them based on their nutrient value. Additionally, users can save other people's recipes and create their meal plan for the day by dragging and dropping recipes on their homepage/profile.