For those that have dreamt to hunt crocs
Basic go webserver to demonstrate example CI/CD pipeline using Kubernetes
Just follow the JenkinsX installation with --prow=true
For example, if using GKE with cert-manager preinstalled for https certificates
jx install --provider=gke --http=false --tls-acme=true
Then fork this repo and import it
jx import --url --no-draft --pack=go
Then, any PRs against this repo will be automatically deployed to preview environments.
When they are merged they will be deployed to the staging
To tail all the build logs
kail -l --since=5m
Or in GKE StackDriver logs
To promote from staging to production just run
jx promote croc-hunter-jenkinsx --version 0.0.1 --env production
Then delete the PR environments
jx delete env
Original work by Lachlan Evenson Continuation of the awesome work by everett-toews.