Second game, this time is a Space-Invader-like product This project is a group-project in RMIT Game Dev Group
- Visit the link
- First time loading could be long, approximately 5 minutes.
- You can also download the version built for Window x86 from here:
- Using the mouse to move the spaceship
- Hold/Press the left button to fire the bullet
- Hit the right button to fire the special bullet
- Do not forget to pick dropped items from dead enemies :)
- Destroy all enemies to win :)
- Unity 2D: A game engine on PC
- Csharp
- Visual Studio Code, Emacs, Visual Studio, ... as text editors.
- sonnguyen9800 (me)
- khaitruong922:
- Jackals999:
- We used free assest provided in Unity Assest Market and Itch.Io
- We use free music provided from Youtube Creator