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[wol] Implement wol command line utility (#3048)
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What is the motivation for this PR?
Implement wol command-line utility based on

How did you verify/test it?
Add unittest to verify code.

Signed-off-by: Zhijian Li <[email protected]>
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lizhijianrd authored Nov 22, 2023
1 parent 8ebc56a commit 1e81310
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* [Static DNS Commands](#static-dns-commands)
* [Static DNS config command](#static-dns-config-command)
* [Static DNS show command](#static-dns-show-command)
* [Wake-on-LAN Commands](#wake-on-lan-commands)
* [Send Wake-on-LAN Magic Packet command](#send-wake-on-lan-magic-packet-command)

## Document History

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12844,3 +12846,42 @@ admin@sonic:~$ show dns nameserver
# Wake-on-LAN Commands
## Send Wake-on-LAN Magic Packet command
The `wol` command is used to send magic packet to target device.
### Usage
wol <interface> <target_mac> [-b] [-p password] [-c count] [-i interval] [-v]
- `interface`: SONiC interface name.
- `target_mac`: a list of target devices' MAC address, separated by comma.
- `-b`: Use broadcast MAC address instead of target device's MAC address as **Destination MAC Address in Ethernet Frame Header**.
- `-p password`: An optional 4 or 6 byte password, in ethernet hex format or quad-dotted decimal[^3].
- `-c count`: For each target MAC address, the `count` of magic packets to send. `count` must between 1 and 5. Default value is 1. This param must use with `-i`.
- `-i interval`: Wait `interval` milliseconds between sending each magic packet. `interval` must between 0 and 2000. Default value is 0. This param must use with `-c`.
- `-v`: Verbose output.
### Example
admin@sonic:~$ wol Ethernet10 00:11:22:33:44:55
admin@sonic:~$ wol Ethernet10 00:11:22:33:44:55 -b
admin@sonic:~$ wol Vlan1000 00:11:22:33:44:55,11:33:55:77:99:bb -p 00:22:44:66:88:aa
admin@sonic:~$ wol Vlan1000 00:11:22:33:44:55,11:33:55:77:99:bb -p -c 3 -i 2000 -v
Sending 3 magic packet to 00:11:22:33:44:55 via interface Vlan1000
1st magic packet sent to 00:11:22:33:44:55
2nd magic packet sent to 00:11:22:33:44:55
3rd magic packet sent to 00:11:22:33:44:55
Sending 3 magic packet to 11:33:55:77:99:bb via interface Vlan1000
1st magic packet sent to 11:33:55:77:99:bb
2nd magic packet sent to 11:33:55:77:99:bb
3rd magic packet sent to 11:33:55:77:99:bb
For the 4th example, it specifise 2 target MAC addresses and `count` is 3. So it'll send 6 magic packets in total.
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'generic_config_updater': ['gcu_services_validator.conf.json', 'gcu_field_operation_validators.conf.json'],
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'undebug = undebug.main:cli',
'watchdogutil = watchdogutil.main:watchdogutil',
'sonic-cli-gen = sonic_cli_gen.main:cli',
'wol = wol.main:wol',
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229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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import click
import io
import pytest
import wol.main as wol
from click.testing import CliRunner
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock

ETHER_TYPE_WOL = b'\x08\x42'
BROADCAST_MAC = wol.MacAddress('ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')

SAMPLE_INTERFACE_PO100 = "PortChannel100"

SAMPLE_ETH0_MAC = wol.MacAddress('11:33:55:77:99:bb')
SAMPLE_VLAN1000_MAC = wol.MacAddress('22:44:66:88:aa:cc')
SAMPLE_PO100_MAC = wol.MacAddress('33:55:77:99:bb:dd')
SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC = wol.MacAddress('44:66:88:aa:cc:ee')
SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC_LIST = [wol.MacAddress('44:66:88:aa:cc:ee'), wol.MacAddress('55:77:99:bb:dd:ff')]


class TestMacAddress():
def test_init(self):
# Test Case 1: Test with a valid MAC address
assert wol.MacAddress('00:11:22:33:44:55').address == b'\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55'
# Test Case 2: Test with an invalid MAC address
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
assert exc_info.value.message == "invalid MAC address"
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
assert exc_info.value.message == "invalid MAC address"

def test_str(self):
assert str(wol.MacAddress('00:01:0a:a0:aa:ee')) == '00:01:0a:a0:aa:ee'
assert str(wol.MacAddress('ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')) == 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'

def test_eq(self):
# Test Case 1: Test with two equal MAC addresses
assert wol.MacAddress('00:11:22:33:44:55') == wol.MacAddress('00:11:22:33:44:55')
# Test Case 2: Test with two unequal MAC addresses
assert wol.MacAddress('00:11:22:33:44:55') != wol.MacAddress('55:44:33:22:11:00')

def test_to_bytes(self):
assert wol.MacAddress('00:11:22:33:44:55').to_bytes() == b'\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55'

@patch('wol.main.get_interface_mac', MagicMock(return_value=SAMPLE_ETH0_MAC))
def test_build_magic_packet():
# Test Case 1: Test build magic packet basic
expected_output = SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC.to_bytes() + SAMPLE_ETH0_MAC.to_bytes() + ETHER_TYPE_WOL \
+ b'\xff' * 6 + SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC.to_bytes() * 16
assert wol.build_magic_packet(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, broadcast=False, password=b'') == expected_output
# Test Case 2: Test build magic packet with broadcast flag
expected_output = BROADCAST_MAC.to_bytes() + SAMPLE_ETH0_MAC.to_bytes() + ETHER_TYPE_WOL \
+ b'\xff' * 6 + SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC.to_bytes() * 16
assert wol.build_magic_packet(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, broadcast=True, password=b'') == expected_output
# Test Case 3: Test build magic packet with 4-byte password
password = b'\x12\x34'
expected_output = SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC.to_bytes() + SAMPLE_ETH0_MAC.to_bytes() + ETHER_TYPE_WOL \
+ b'\xff' * 6 + SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC.to_bytes() * 16 + password
assert wol.build_magic_packet(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, broadcast=False, password=password) == expected_output
# Test Case 4: Test build magic packet with 6-byte password
password = b'\x12\x34\x56\x78\x9a\xbc'
expected_output = SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC.to_bytes() + SAMPLE_ETH0_MAC.to_bytes() + ETHER_TYPE_WOL \
+ b'\xff' * 6 + SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC.to_bytes() * 16 + password
assert wol.build_magic_packet(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, broadcast=False, password=password) == expected_output

def test_send_magic_packet():
# Test Case 1: Test send magic packet with count is 1
with patch('socket.socket') as mock_socket:
wol.send_magic_packet(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, SAMPLE_MAGIC_PACKET_UNICAST, count=1, interval=0, verbose=False)
mock_socket.return_value.bind.assert_called_once_with((SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, 0))
# Test Case 2: Test send magic packet with count is 3
with patch('socket.socket') as mock_socket:
wol.send_magic_packet(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, SAMPLE_MAGIC_PACKET_UNICAST, count=3, interval=0, verbose=False)
assert mock_socket.return_value.bind.call_count == 1
assert mock_socket.return_value.send.call_count == 3
# Test Case 3: Test send magic packet with interval is 1000
with patch('socket.socket') as mock_socket, \
patch('time.sleep') as mock_sleep:
wol.send_magic_packet(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, SAMPLE_MAGIC_PACKET_UNICAST, count=3, interval=1000, verbose=False)
assert mock_socket.return_value.bind.call_count == 1
assert mock_socket.return_value.send.call_count == 3
assert mock_sleep.call_count == 2 # sleep twice between 3 packets
# Test Case 4: Test send magic packet with verbose is True
expected_verbose_output = f"Sending 5 magic packet to {SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC} via interface {SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0}\n" + \
f"1st magic packet sent to {SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC}\n" + \
f"2nd magic packet sent to {SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC}\n" + \
f"3rd magic packet sent to {SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC}\n" + \
f"4th magic packet sent to {SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC}\n" + \
f"5th magic packet sent to {SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC}\n"
with patch('socket.socket') as mock_socket, patch('time.sleep'), patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=io.StringIO) as mock_stdout:
wol.send_magic_packet(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, SAMPLE_MAGIC_PACKET_UNICAST, count=5, interval=1000, verbose=True)
assert mock_socket.return_value.bind.call_count == 1
assert mock_socket.return_value.send.call_count == 5
assert mock_stdout.getvalue() == expected_verbose_output

@patch('netifaces.interfaces', MagicMock(return_value=[SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0]))
@patch('wol.main.get_interface_operstate', MagicMock(return_value="up"))
def test_validate_interface():
# Test Case 1: Test with a valid SONiC interface name
assert wol.validate_interface(None, None, SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0) == SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0
# Test Case 2: Test with an invalid SONiC interface name
with pytest.raises(click.BadParameter) as exc_info:
wol.validate_interface(None, None, "INVALID_SONIC_INTERFACE")
assert exc_info.value.message == "invalid SONiC interface name INVALID_SONIC_INTERFACE"
# Test Case 3: Test with an valid SONiC interface name, but the interface operstat is down
with patch('wol.main.get_interface_operstate', MagicMock(return_value="down")):
with pytest.raises(click.BadParameter) as exc_info:
wol.validate_interface(None, None, SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0)
assert exc_info.value.message == f"interface {SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0} is not up"

def test_parse_target_mac():
# Test Case 1: Test with a single valid target MAC address
wol.parse_target_mac(None, None, str(SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC)) == [SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC]
# Test Case 2: Test with a list of valid target MAC addresses
assert wol.parse_target_mac(None, None, ",".join([str(x) for x in mac_list])) == mac_list
# Test Case 3: Test with a single invalid target MAC address
with pytest.raises(click.BadParameter) as exc_info:
wol.parse_target_mac(None, None, "INVALID_MAC_ADDRESS")
assert exc_info.value.message == "invalid MAC address INVALID_MAC_ADDRESS"
# Test Case 4: Test with a list of target MAC addresses, one of them is invalid
with pytest.raises(click.BadParameter) as exc_info:
wol.parse_target_mac(None, None, ",".join([str(SAMPLE_ETH0_MAC), "INVALID_MAC_ADDRESS"]))
assert exc_info.value.message == "invalid MAC address INVALID_MAC_ADDRESS"

def test_parse_password():
# Test Case 1: Test with an empty password
assert wol.parse_password(None, None, "") == b''
# Test Case 2: Test with a valid 4-byte password
assert wol.parse_password(None, None, "") == b'\x01\x02\x03\x04'
# Test Case 3: Test with an invalid 4-byte password
with pytest.raises(click.BadParameter) as exc_info:
wol.parse_password(None, None, "")
assert exc_info.value.message == "invalid password"
# Test Case 4: Test with a valid 6-byte password
assert wol.parse_password(None, None, str(SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC)) == SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC.to_bytes()
# Test Case 5: Test with an invalid 6-byte password
with pytest.raises(click.BadParameter) as exc_info:
wol.parse_password(None, None, "11:22:33:44:55:999")
assert exc_info.value.message == "invalid password 11:22:33:44:55:999"
# Test Case 6: Test with an invalid password string
with pytest.raises(click.BadParameter) as exc_info:
wol.parse_password(None, None, "INVALID_PASSWORD")
assert exc_info.value.message == "invalid password INVALID_PASSWORD"

def test_validate_count_interval():
# Test Case 1: input valid count and interval
assert wol.validate_count_interval(1, 1000) == (1, 1000)
# Test Case 2: Test with both count and interval are not provided
assert wol.validate_count_interval(None, None) == (1, 0)
# Test Case 3: Test count and interval not provided together
with pytest.raises(click.BadParameter) as exc_info:
wol.validate_count_interval(3, None)
assert exc_info.value.message == "count and interval must be used together"
with pytest.raises(click.BadParameter) as exc_info:
wol.validate_count_interval(None, 1000)
assert exc_info.value.message == "count and interval must be used together"
# Test Case 4: Test with count or interval not in valid range
# This restriction is validated by click.IntRange(), so no need to call the command line function
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(wol.wol, [SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, str(SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC), '-c', '100', '-i', '1000'])
assert 'Invalid value for "-c": 100 is not in the valid range of 1 to 5.' in result.stdout
result = runner.invoke(wol.wol, [SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, str(SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC), '-c', '3', '-i', '100000'])
assert 'Invalid value for "-i": 100000 is not in the valid range of 0 to 2000.' in result.stdout

@patch('netifaces.interfaces', MagicMock(return_value=[SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0]))
@patch('wol.main.is_root', MagicMock(return_value=True))
@patch('wol.main.get_interface_operstate', MagicMock(return_value="up"))
@patch('wol.main.get_interface_mac', MagicMock(return_value=SAMPLE_ETH0_MAC))
def test_wol_send_magic_packet_call_count():
Test the count of send_magic_packet() function call in wol is correct.
runner = CliRunner()
# Test Case 1: Test with only required arguments
# 1.1 Single Target Mac
with patch('wol.main.send_magic_packet') as mock_send_magic_packet:
result = runner.invoke(wol.wol, [SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, str(SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC)])
assert result.exit_code == 0
mock_send_magic_packet.assert_called_once_with(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, SAMPLE_MAGIC_PACKET_UNICAST, 1, 0, False)
# 1.2 Multiple Target Mac
with patch('wol.main.send_magic_packet') as mock_send_magic_packet:
result = runner.invoke(wol.wol, [SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, ','.join([str(v) for v in SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC_LIST])])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert mock_send_magic_packet.call_count == 2
# Test Case 2: Test with specified count and interval
# 2.1 Single Target Mac
with patch('wol.main.send_magic_packet') as mock_send_magic_packet:
result = runner.invoke(wol.wol, [SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, str(SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC), '-c', '5', '-i', '1000'])
assert result.exit_code == 0
mock_send_magic_packet.assert_called_once_with(SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC, SAMPLE_MAGIC_PACKET_UNICAST, 5, 1000, False)
# 2.2 Multiple Target Mac
with patch('wol.main.send_magic_packet') as mock_send_magic_packet:
result = runner.invoke(wol.wol, [SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, ','.join([str(v) for v in SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC_LIST]), '-c', '5', '-i', '1000'])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert mock_send_magic_packet.call_count == 2

@patch('netifaces.interfaces', MagicMock(return_value=[SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0]))
@patch('wol.main.is_root', MagicMock(return_value=True))
@patch('wol.main.get_interface_operstate', MagicMock(return_value="up"))
@patch('wol.main.get_interface_mac', MagicMock(return_value=SAMPLE_ETH0_MAC))
def test_wol_send_magic_packet_throw_exception():
Test the exception handling of send_magic_packet() function in wol.
runner = CliRunner()
# Test Case 1: Test with OSError exception (interface flap)
with patch('wol.main.send_magic_packet', MagicMock(side_effect=OSError("[Errno 100] Network is down"))):
result = runner.invoke(wol.wol, [SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, str(SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC)])
assert "Exception: [Errno 100] Network is down" in result.stdout
# Test Case 2: Test with other exception
with patch('wol.main.send_magic_packet', MagicMock(side_effect=Exception("Exception message"))):
result = runner.invoke(wol.wol, [SAMPLE_INTERFACE_ETH0, str(SAMPLE_TARGET_MAC)])
assert "Exception: Exception message" in result.stdout
Empty file added wol/
Empty file.

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