Selected algorithms from the book "Astronomical Algorithms" by Jean Meeus, following the second edition, copyright 1998, with corrections as of August 10, 2009.
The branch "master" has the current version. Tags exist with "semantic
versions" with a three-part major.minor.fix format like v3.0.0
. Older
versions can be checked out by tag. Also a branch or branches should exist
for older versions.
Beginning with v3.0.0, code will be organized as a vgo "module" in a
subdirectory, named like v3
corresponding to the current major version.
Package meeus is a documentation-only package. Algorithms are implemented in subdirectories under meeus, one for each chapter of the book. In addition there is a package "base" with additional functions that may not be described in the book but are useful with multiple other packages.
See meeus package documentation for a chapter title cross-reference.
Routines of the planetposition
package require "VSOP87" data files. These
files should be available from public sources, for example
VisieR. The files needed
by planetposition are the VSOP87 "B" files. It is sufficient to download
the eight files
VSOP87B.ear VSOP87B.mar VSOP87B.nep VSOP87B.ura
VSOP87B.jup VSOP87B.mer VSOP87B.sat VSOP87B.ven
There are no requirements on where you place these files in your file system
but you may find it convenient to create a directory for them and set an
environment variable VSOP87
to this directory.
Technically, go get
is sufficient.
The tests also require the sexagesimal package, so use the -t option to prompt
go get
to find it as a test dependency:
go get -t
With all eight VSOP87 files dowloaded as described above, and with an environment variable set to their location, then from the meeus directory
go test ./...
works as usual to run all tests in all subdirectories of meeus.
To run all tests except for those requiring planet positions computed from the VSOP87 files, use
go test -tags nopp ./...
("nopp" for no planet positions)
Experimentally, you can try vgo.
To run package tests, clone the repository -- anywhere! it doesn't have to be under GOPATH -- and from the cloned directory run
vgo test all
Vgo will fetch the sexagesimal test dependency as needed and run all package tests.
All software in this repository is copyright Sonia Keys and licensed with the MIT license.