This repo is for exploring how to operate ZigBee sensors in the long run using Kubernetes. I liked the "without cloud" approach of Conbee II so that's my starting point. The goal isn't primarily automation, but only a neat Grafana dashboard. Also I've learned to appreciate how many self-hosting problems Kubernetes solves, so I'm not very interested in existing high level frameworks. My approach is:
Hardware -> Driver -> Vendor's gateway/API -> a prometheus metrics endpoint -> Prometheus -> Grafana
The current metrics container assumes access to a Deconz REST API and is therefore built as the image solsson/prometheus-deconz-exporter.
Build using docker buildx build --push(?) --tag solsson(?)/prometheus-deconz-exporter:$(git rev-parse HEAD) --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 .
Still on a Raspberry Pi 1. Used the imager and selected 32bit Bullseye.
Deconz version 2.13.04.
Firmware 0x26720700 md5.
Deconz installation
sudo dpkg -i ...
sudo apt --fix-broken install
sudo systemctl enable deconz
To get the API key, in the gateway click "Authenticate app" then run something like curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"devicetype":"local-kubernetes"}'
. Save the KEY.