The purpose of this microservice is to implement an exponential backoff from a Solace DMQ back to the original queue.
Edit src/main/resource/ with values for your environment.
Ensure that your configured SOURCE_QUEUE has a maximum redelivery configured:
- Then run
mvn spring-boot:run
You should see the following message:
c.s.j.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel : Client-1: Connecting to host 'orig=tcp:solacehost:port, scheme=tcp:, host=solacehost, port=port' (host 1 of 1, smfclient 1, attempt 1 of 1, this_host_attempt: 1 of 1)
c.s.jcsmp.impl.JCSMPBasicSession : Client-1: AdCtrl version changes: 2->4
c.s.j.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel : Client-1: Connected to host 'orig=tcp:solacehost:port, scheme=tcp:, host=solacehost, port=port' (smfclient 1)
c.s.r.api.ISolaceMessagingService : Starting consumer on #DMQ
If a consumer fails to process a message, it is immediately sent back to the queue and re-delivered back to the consumer. This could potentially result in a DoS-like attack against the endpoint. Perhaps you want to retry processing a message after a certain interval, have an exponential backoff in case of further failures and have a threshold after which you will stop processing messages all together.
The diagram above describes the flow of this application. You will have a SOURCE_QUEUE, a DMQ (for the SOURCE_QUEUE) and an optional ERROR_QUEUE.
- A message on the SOURCE_QUEUE can be redelivered N number of times before it is expired to the DMQ
- The redelivery delayer microservice listens to the DMQ and injects a configurable header that counts the number of times it has been sent for reprocessing. It will use a configurable exponential backoff factor before send it back to the SOURCE_QUEUE
- If the message exceeds the threshold of the MAXIMUM delay, the microservice will either discard the message or send it to an optionally configured ERROR_QUEUE for processing
For more information try these resources:
- The Solace Developer Portal website at:
- Ask the Solace Community
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