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Rework perf tests
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kciesielski committed May 7, 2024
1 parent 09fd707 commit b90599b
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Showing 13 changed files with 128 additions and 624 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -507,13 +507,11 @@ lazy val perfTests: ProjectMatrix = (projectMatrix in file("perf-tests"))
"io.gatling.highcharts" % "gatling-charts-highcharts" % "3.11.12" % "test" exclude (
"com.fasterxml.jackson.core", "jackson-databind"
"io.gatling" % "gatling-test-framework" % "3.11.2" % "test" exclude ("com.fasterxml.jackson.core", "jackson-databind"),
"io.gatling" % "gatling-test-framework" % "3.11.12" % "test" exclude ("com.fasterxml.jackson.core", "jackson-databind"),
"com.fasterxml.jackson.module" %% "jackson-module-scala" % "2.17.1",
"nl.grons" %% "metrics4-scala" % Versions.metrics4Scala % Test,
"com.lihaoyi" %% "scalatags" % Versions.scalaTags % Test,
// Needs to match version used by Gatling
"com.github.scopt" %% "scopt" % "3.7.1",
"io.github.classgraph" % "classgraph" % "4.8.172" % Test,
"io.github.classgraph" % "classgraph" % "4.8.172",
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-core" % Versions.http4s,
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-dsl" % Versions.http4s,
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-blaze-server" % Versions.http4sBlazeServer,
Expand Down
114 changes: 25 additions & 89 deletions perf-tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,41 +2,38 @@

To work with performance tests, make sure you are running JDK 21+, and that the `ALSO_LOOM` environment variable is set, because the `perf-tests` project includes `tapir-nima`, which require Loom JDK feature to be available.

Performance tests are executed by running `PerfTestSuiteRunner`, which is a standard "Main" Scala application, configured by command line parameters. It executes a sequence of tests, where
each test consist of:

1. Starting a HTTP server if specified (Like Tapir-based Pekko, Vartx, http4s, or a "vanilla", tapirless one)
2. Running a simulation in warm-up mode (5 seconds, 3 concurrent users)
3. Running a simulation with user-defined duration and concurrent user count
4. Closing the server
5. Reading Gatling's simulation.log and building simulation results

The sequence is repeated for a set of servers multiplied by simulations. Afterwards, all individual simulation results will be aggregated into a single report.
If no test servers are specified, only simulations are run, assuming a server started externally.
Command parameters can be viewed by running:
Performance tests are executed by running `perfTests/Gatling/testOnly sttp.tapir.perf.SimulationClassName`, assuming that a server under tests is available on `localhost:8080`.

## Starting the server
To run a test server, use a separate sbt session and start it using `ServerRunner`:
perfTests/runMain sttp.tapir.perf.apis.ServerRunner http4s.TapirMulti
Run it without server name to see a list of all available names.
Exception: If you're testing `NettySyncServer` (tapir-server-netty-sync), its server runner is located elsewhere:
perfTests/Test/runMain sttp.tapir.perf.PerfTestSuiteRunner
nettyServerSync3/Test/runMain sttp.tapir.netty.sync.perf.NettySyncServerRunner
This is caused by `perf-tests` using Scala 2.13 forced by Gatling, while `NettySyncServer` is written excluisively for Scala 3.

## Configuring and running simulations

which displays help similar to:
Simulations can be found in `sttp.tapir.perf.Simulations.scala`. To run one, use Gatling/testOnly:

[error] Usage: perf [options]
[error] -s, --server <value> Comma-separated list of short server names, or groups like 'netty.*', 'pekko.*', etc. Available servers: http4s.TapirInterceptorMulti, http4s.TapirMulti, http4s.Tapir, http4s.VanillaMulti, http4s.Vanilla, netty.cats.TapirInterceptorMulti, netty.cats.TapirMulti, netty.cats.Tapir, netty.future.TapirInterceptorMulti, netty.future.TapirMulti, netty.future.Tapir, pekko.TapirInterceptorMulti, pekko.TapirMulti, pekko.Tapir, pekko.VanillaMulti, pekko.Vanilla, play.TapirInterceptorMulti, play.TapirMulti, play.Tapir, play.VanillaMulti, play.Vanilla, vertx.TapirInterceptorMulti, vertx.TapirMulti, vertx.Tapir, vertx.VanillaMulti, vertx.Vanilla, vertx.cats.TapirInterceptorMulti, vertx.cats.TapirMulti, vertx.cats.Tapir
[error] -m, --sim <value> Comma-separated list of short simulation names, or '*' for all. Available simulations: PostBytes, PostFile, PostLongBytes, PostLongString, PostString, SimpleGetMultiRoute, SimpleGet
[error] -u, --users <value> Number of concurrent users, default is 1
[error] -d, --duration <value> Single simulation duration in seconds, default is 10
[error] -g, --gatling-reports Generate Gatling reports for individuals sims, may significantly affect total time (disabled by default)
perfTests/Gatling/testOnly sttp.tapir.perf.SimpleGetSimulation
Generating Gatling reports is useful if you want to verify additional data like latency or throughput distribution over time.
If you want to run a test server separately from simulations, use a separate sbt session and start it using `ServerRunner`:

The simulation will first run in warmup mode, then it will run with specified user count and duration. To set these values, use system properties:
`tapir.perf.user-count` and `tapir.perf.duration-seconds`. These values can be passed to sbt console on startup:
perfTests/runMain sttp.tapir.perf.apis.ServerRunner http4s.TapirMulti
sbt -Dtapir.perf.user-count=100 -Dtapir.perf.duration-seconds=60

This is useful when profiling, as `perfTests/runMain` will be a forked JVM isolated from the JVM that runs Gatling.
or within an already running interactive sbt session:
set ThisBuild/javaOptions += ""-Dtapir.perf.user-count=100"
If not set, default values will be used (see `sttp.tapir.perf.CommonSimulations`).

## Profiling

Expand All @@ -56,82 +53,21 @@ After opening the flamegraph in your browser, use the spyglass icon to search fo

Note that profiling noticeably affects performance, so it's recommended to measure throughput/latency without the profiler attached.

## Examples

1. Run all sims on all pekko-http servers with other options set to default:
perfTests/Test/runMain sttp.tapir.perf.PerfTestSuiteRunner -s pekko.* -m *

2. Run all sims on http4s servers, with each simulation running for 5 seconds:
perfTests/Test/runMain sttp.tapir.perf.PerfTestSuiteRunner -s http4s.Tapir,http4s.TapirMulti,http4s.Vanilla,http4s.VanillaMulti -m * -d 5
## Latency reports

3. Run some simulations on some servers, with 3 concurrent users instead of default 1, each simulation running for 15 seconds,
and enabled Gatling report generation:
perfTests/Test/runMain sttp.tapir.perf.PerfTestSuiteRunner -s http4s.Tapir,netty.future.Tapir,play.Tapir -m PostLongBytes,PostFile -d 15 -u 3 -g

4. Run a netty-cats server with profiling, and then PostBytes and PostLongBytes simulation in a separate sbt session, for 25 seconds:
perfTests/runMain sttp.tapir.perf.apis.ServerRunner netty.cats.TapirMulti
// in a separate sbt session:
perfTest/Test/runMain sttp.tapir.perf.PerfTestSuiteRunner -m PostBytes,PostLongBytes -d 25

## Reports

Each single simulation results in a latency HDR Histogram report printed to stdout as well as a file:
Additionally to standard Gatling reports, each single simulation results in a latency HDR Histogram report printed to stdout as well as a file:

[info] ******* Histogram saved to /home/kc/code/oss/tapir/.sbt/matrix/perfTests/SimpleGetSimulation-2024-02-26_10_30_22

You can use [HDR Histogram Plotter]( to plot a set of such files.

The main report is generated after all tests, and contains results for standard Gatling latencies and mean throughput in a table combining
all servers and tests. They will be printed to a HTML and a CSV file after the suite finishes:
[info] ******* Test Suite report saved to /home/alice/projects/tapir/.sbt/matrix/perfTests/tapir-perf-tests-2024-01-22_16_33_14.csv
[info] ******* Test Suite report saved to /home/alice/projects/tapir/.sbt/matrix/perfTests/tapir-perf-tests-2024-01-22_16_33_14.html

These reports include information about throughput and latency of each server for each simulation.

How the aggregation works: After each non-warmup test the results are read from `simulation.log` produced by Gatling and aggregated by `GatlingLogProcessor`.
The processor then uses 'com.codehale.metrics.Histogram' to calculate
p99, p95, p75, and p50 percentiles for latencies of all requests sent during the simulation.

## Adding new servers and simulations

To add a new server, go to `src/main/scala` and put an object extending `sttp.tapir.perf.apis.ServerRunner` in a subpackage of `sttp.tapir.perf`.
It should be automatically resoled by the `TypeScanner` utility used by the `PerfTestSuiteRunner`.
It should be automatically resolved by the `TypeScanner` utility used by the `ServerRunner`.

Similarly with simulations. Go to `src/test/scala` and a class extending `sttp.tapir.perf.PerfTestSuiteRunnerSimulation` under `sttp.tapir.perf`. See the `Simulations.scala`
file for examples.

## Testing WebSockets

`WebSocketsSimulation` cannot be executed using `PerfTestSuiteRunner`, as it requires special warmup and injection setup, it also won't store gatling log in a format expected by our report builder.
For WebSockets we want to measure latency distribution, not throughput, so use given instructions to run it and read the report:

1. Adjust simulation parameters in the `sttp.tapir.perf.WebSocketsSimulation` class
2. Start a server using `ServerRunner`, for example:
perfTests/runMain sttp.tapir.perf.apis.ServerRunner http4s.Tapir
If you're testing `NettySyncServer` (tapir-server-netty-sync), its server runner is located elsewhere:
nettyServerSync3/Test/runMain sttp.tapir.netty.sync.perf.NettySyncServerRunner
This is caused by `perf-tests` using Scala 2.13 forced by Gatling, while `NettySyncServer` is written excluisively for Scala 3.

3. Run the simulation using Gatling's task:
perfTests/Gatling/testOnly sttp.tapir.perf.WebSocketsSimulation
4. A HdrHistogram report will be printed to stdout and to a file. Check output for the full path.
5. Stop the server manually.
6. Use [HDR Histogram Plotter]( to plot histogram file(s)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ object ServerRunner extends IOApp {
private val runtimeMirror = universe.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)

def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
val shortServerName = args.head
val shortServerName = args.headOption.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unspecified server name. Use one of: ${TypeScanner.allServers}")
for {
killSwitch <- startServerByTypeName(ServerName.fromShort(shortServerName))
_ <- IO.never.guarantee(killSwitch)
Expand Down
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions perf-tests/src/main/scala/sttp/tapir/perf/apis/TypeScanner.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package sttp.tapir.perf.apis

import io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

import sttp.tapir.perf.Common._

/** Uses the classgraph library to quickly find all possible server runners (objects extending ServerRunner)
object TypeScanner {
def findAllImplementations[T: ClassTag](rootPackage: String): List[Class[_]] = {
val superClass = scala.reflect.classTag[T].runtimeClass

val scanResult = new ClassGraph()

try {
val classes =
if (superClass.isInterface)
} finally {

lazy val allServers: List[String] =
.map(c => c.stripPrefix(s"${rootPackage}.").stripSuffix("Server$"))
32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions perf-tests/src/test/scala/sttp/tapir/perf/CsvReportPrinter.scala

This file was deleted.

This file was deleted.

28 changes: 0 additions & 28 deletions perf-tests/src/test/scala/sttp/tapir/perf/GatlingRunner.scala

This file was deleted.


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