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Merge pull request #806 from softwaremill/coproducts-derivation
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#315: configurable coproducts schema derivation
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adamw authored Oct 22, 2020
2 parents eb7f287 + 3bd9a4d commit 4c48178
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Showing 11 changed files with 134 additions and 37 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import sttp.tapir.apispec.{ExampleValue, ReferenceOr, Schema, SecurityRequiremen
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap

case class OpenAPI(
openapi: String = "3.0.3",
openapi: String = "3.0.1",
info: Info,
tags: List[Tag],
servers: List[Server],
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/src/main/scala/sttp/tapir/Schema.scala
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Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ object Schema extends SchemaMagnoliaDerivation with LowPrioritySchema {

implicit def schemaForMap[V: Schema]: Schema[Map[String, V]] = macro SchemaMapMacro.schemaForMap[Map[String, V], V]

def oneOf[E, V](extractor: E => V, asString: V => String)(mapping: (V, Schema[_])*): Schema[E] = macro oneOfMacro[E, V]
def oneOfUsingField[E, V](extractor: E => V, asString: V => String)(mapping: (V, Schema[_])*): Schema[E] = macro oneOfMacro[E, V]

trait LowPrioritySchema {
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/scala/sttp/tapir/SchemaType.scala
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Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,22 @@ object SchemaType {
case class SCoproduct(info: SObjectInfo, schemas: List[Schema[_]], discriminator: Option[Discriminator]) extends SObject {
override def show: String = "oneOf:" + schemas.mkString(",")

def addDiscriminatorField[D](
discriminatorName: FieldName,
discriminatorSchema: Schema[D] = Schema(SchemaType.SString),
discriminatorMappingOverride: Map[String, SRef] = Map.empty
): SCoproduct = {
info, {
case s @ Schema(st: SchemaType.SProduct, _, _, _, _) =>
s.copy(schemaType = st.copy(fields = st.fields.toSeq :+ (discriminatorName -> discriminatorSchema)))
case s => s
Some(Discriminator(discriminatorName.encodedName, discriminatorMappingOverride))
case class SOpenProduct(info: SObjectInfo, valueSchema: Schema[_]) extends SObject {
override def show: String = s"map"
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16 changes: 5 additions & 11 deletions core/src/main/scala/sttp/tapir/generic/Configuration.scala
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Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,14 @@ package sttp.tapir.generic

import java.util.regex.Pattern

final case class Configuration(toEncodedName: String => String) {
def withSnakeCaseMemberNames: Configuration =
toEncodedName = Configuration.snakeCaseTransformation

def withKebabCaseMemberNames: Configuration =
toEncodedName = Configuration.kebabCaseTransformation
final case class Configuration(toEncodedName: String => String, discriminator: Option[String]) {
def withSnakeCaseMemberNames: Configuration = copy(toEncodedName = Configuration.snakeCaseTransformation)
def withKebabCaseMemberNames: Configuration = copy(toEncodedName = Configuration.kebabCaseTransformation)
def withDiscriminator(d: String): Configuration = copy(discriminator = Some(d))

object Configuration {
implicit val default: Configuration = Configuration(Predef.identity)
implicit val default: Configuration = Configuration(Predef.identity, None)

private val basePattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])")
private val swapPattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([a-z\\d])([A-Z])")
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Expand Up @@ -87,8 +87,13 @@ trait SchemaMagnoliaDerivation {
private def isDeprecated(annotations: Seq[Any]): Boolean =
annotations.collectFirst { case _: deprecated => true } getOrElse false

def dispatch[T](ctx: SealedTrait[Schema, T]): Schema[T] = {
Schema(SCoproduct(typeNameToObjectInfo(ctx.typeName, ctx.annotations),, None))
def dispatch[T](ctx: SealedTrait[Schema, T])(implicit genericDerivationConfig: Configuration): Schema[T] = {
val baseCoproduct = SCoproduct(typeNameToObjectInfo(ctx.typeName, ctx.annotations),, None)
val coproduct = genericDerivationConfig.discriminator match {
case Some(d) => baseCoproduct.addDiscriminatorField(FieldName(d))
case None => baseCoproduct

implicit def schemaForCaseClass[T]: Derived[Schema[T]] = macro MagnoliaDerivedMacro.derivedGen[T]
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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions core/src/test/scala/sttp/tapir/SchemaTest.scala
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Expand Up @@ -77,4 +77,31 @@ class SchemaTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
.modifyUnsafe[Nothing]()(_.description("test")) shouldBe openProductSchema.description("test")

it should "generate one-of schema using the given discriminator" in {
val coproduct = SCoproduct(
Schema(SProduct(SObjectInfo("H"), List(FieldName("f1") -> Schema(SInteger)))),
Schema(SProduct(SObjectInfo("G"), List(FieldName("f1") -> Schema(SString), FieldName("f2") -> Schema(SString)))),

coproduct.addDiscriminatorField(FieldName("who_am_i")) shouldBe SCoproduct(
Schema(SProduct(SObjectInfo("H"), List(FieldName("f1") -> Schema(SInteger), FieldName("who_am_i") -> Schema(SString)))),
List(FieldName("f1") -> Schema(SString), FieldName("f2") -> Schema(SString), FieldName("who_am_i") -> Schema(SString))
Some(Discriminator("who_am_i", Map.empty))
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions core/src/test/scala/sttp/tapir/generic/SchemaGenericTest.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -337,6 +337,29 @@ class SchemaGenericTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
implicitly[Schema[IList]] shouldBe expectedISchema
implicitly[Schema[JList]] shouldBe expectedJSchema

it should "generate one-of schema using the given discriminator" in {
implicit val customConf: Configuration = Configuration.default.withDiscriminator("who_am_i")

implicitly[Schema[Entity]].schemaType shouldBe SCoproduct(
List((FieldName("name"), Schema(SString)), (FieldName("who_am_i"), Schema(SString)))
List((FieldName("first"), Schema(SString)), (FieldName("age"), Schema(SInteger)), (FieldName("who_am_i"), Schema(SString)))
Some(Discriminator("who_am_i", Map.empty))

case class StringValueClass(value: String) extends AnyVal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,3 +414,7 @@ case class JOpt(data: Option[IOpt])

case class IList(i1: List[IList], i2: Int)
case class JList(data: List[IList])

sealed trait Entity
case class Person(first: String, age: Int) extends Entity
case class Organization(name: String) extends Entity
33 changes: 23 additions & 10 deletions doc/endpoint/
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Expand Up @@ -88,11 +88,14 @@ Automatic codec derivation usually requires other implicits, such as:
* codecs for individual form fields
* schema of the custom type, through the `Schema[T]` implicit

Note the derivation of e.g. circe json encoders/decoders and tapir schema are separate processes, and must be
hence configured separately.

## Schema derivation

For case classes types, `Schema[_]` values are derived automatically using [Magnolia](, given
that schemas are defined for all the case class's fields. It is possible to configure the automatic derivation to use
snake-case, kebab-case or a custom field naming policy, by providing an implicit `sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration` value:
snake_case, kebab-case or a custom field naming policy, by providing an implicit `sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration` value:

```scala mdoc:silent
import sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration
Expand All @@ -117,11 +120,25 @@ be derived automatically.

### Sealed traits / coproducts

Tapir supports schema generation for coproduct types (sealed trait hierarchies) out of the box, but they need to be defined
by hand as `implicit` values. To properly reflect the schema in [OpenAPI](../ documentation, a
discriminator object can be specified.
Schema derivation for coproduct types (sealed trait hierarchies) is supported as well. By default, such hierarchies
will be represented as a coproduct which contains a list of child schemas, without any discriminator field.

A discriminator field can be specified for coproducts by providing it in the configuration; this will be only used
during automatic derivation:

```scala mdoc:silent:reset
import sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration

implicit val customConfiguration: Configuration =

Alternatively, derived schemas can be customised (see below), and a discriminator can be added by calling
the `SchemaType.SCoproduct.addDiscriminatorField(name, schema, mapingOverride)` method.

For example, given following coproduct:
Finally, if the discriminator is a field that's defined on the base trait (and hence in each implementation), the
schemas can be specified using `Schema.oneOfUsingField`, for example (this will also generate the appropriate
mapping overrides):

```scala mdoc:silent:reset
sealed trait Entity {
Expand All @@ -133,17 +150,13 @@ case class Person(firstName:String, lastName:String) extends Entity {
case class Organization(name: String) extends Entity {
def kind: String = "org"

The schema may look like this:

```scala mdoc:silent
import sttp.tapir._

val sPerson = implicitly[Schema[Person]]
val sOrganization = implicitly[Schema[Organization]]
implicit val sEntity: Schema[Entity] =
Schema.oneOf[Entity, String](_.kind, _.toString)("person" -> sPerson, "org" -> sOrganization)
Schema.oneOfUsingField[Entity, String](_.kind, _.toString)("person" -> sPerson, "org" -> sOrganization)

## Customising derived schemas
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ class VerifyYamlTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
test("should match the expected yaml when using coproduct types with discriminator") {
val sPerson = implicitly[Schema[Person]]
val sOrganization = implicitly[Schema[Organization]]
implicit val sEntity: Schema[Entity] = Schema.oneOf[Entity, String](, _.toString)("john" -> sPerson, "sml" -> sOrganization)
implicit val sEntity: Schema[Entity] =
Schema.oneOfUsingField[Entity, String](, _.toString)("john" -> sPerson, "sml" -> sOrganization)

val expectedYaml = loadYaml("expected_coproduct_discriminator.yml")
val endpoint_wit_sealed_trait: Endpoint[Unit, Unit, Entity, Any] = endpoint
Expand All @@ -264,7 +265,8 @@ class VerifyYamlTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
val sPerson = implicitly[Schema[Person]]
val sOrganization = implicitly[Schema[Organization]]
@silent("never used") // it is used
implicit val sEntity: Schema[Entity] = Schema.oneOf[Entity, String](, _.toString)("john" -> sPerson, "sml" -> sOrganization)
implicit val sEntity: Schema[Entity] =
Schema.oneOfUsingField[Entity, String](, _.toString)("john" -> sPerson, "sml" -> sOrganization)

val expectedYaml = loadYaml("expected_coproduct_discriminator_nested.yml")
val endpoint_wit_sealed_trait: Endpoint[Unit, Unit, NestedEntity, Any] = endpoint
Expand Down
33 changes: 23 additions & 10 deletions generated-doc/out/endpoint/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,11 +88,14 @@ Automatic codec derivation usually requires other implicits, such as:
* codecs for individual form fields
* schema of the custom type, through the `Schema[T]` implicit

Note the derivation of e.g. circe json encoders/decoders and tapir schema are separate processes, and must be
hence configured separately.

## Schema derivation

For case classes types, `Schema[_]` values are derived automatically using [Magnolia](, given
that schemas are defined for all the case class's fields. It is possible to configure the automatic derivation to use
snake-case, kebab-case or a custom field naming policy, by providing an implicit `sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration` value:
snake_case, kebab-case or a custom field naming policy, by providing an implicit `sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration` value:

import sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration
Expand All @@ -117,11 +120,25 @@ be derived automatically.

### Sealed traits / coproducts

Tapir supports schema generation for coproduct types (sealed trait hierarchies) out of the box, but they need to be defined
by hand as `implicit` values. To properly reflect the schema in [OpenAPI](../ documentation, a
discriminator object can be specified.
Schema derivation for coproduct types (sealed trait hierarchies) is supported as well. By default, such hierarchies
will be represented as a coproduct which contains a list of child schemas, without any discriminator field.

A discriminator field can be specified for coproducts by providing it in the configuration; this will be only used
during automatic derivation:

import sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration

implicit val customConfiguration: Configuration =

Alternatively, derived schemas can be customised (see below), and a discriminator can be added by calling
the `SchemaType.SCoproduct.addDiscriminatorField(name, schema, mapingOverride)` method.

For example, given following coproduct:
Finally, if the discriminator is a field that's defined on the base trait (and hence in each implementation), the
schemas can be specified using `Schema.oneOfUsingField`, for example (this will also generate the appropriate
mapping overrides):

sealed trait Entity {
Expand All @@ -133,17 +150,13 @@ case class Person(firstName:String, lastName:String) extends Entity {
case class Organization(name: String) extends Entity {
def kind: String = "org"

The schema may look like this:

import sttp.tapir._

val sPerson = implicitly[Schema[Person]]
val sOrganization = implicitly[Schema[Organization]]
implicit val sEntity: Schema[Entity] =
Schema.oneOf[Entity, String](_.kind, _.toString)("person" -> sPerson, "org" -> sOrganization)
Schema.oneOfUsingField[Entity, String](_.kind, _.toString)("person" -> sPerson, "org" -> sOrganization)

## Customising derived schemas
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