This is an add on for the Hackaday Superconference 2023 / Hackaday Europe(Berlin) 2024 Vectorscope badge that adds a small virtual analog synthesizer based on the Stylish Trucker Belt Synthesizer.
It should work with all of the source code from that, so for now get it there. This has not yet been tested, so if you want to build one, be aware that it might be broken. In particular, I'm worried that the two batteries in the badge might not have the oomph to drive the vectorscope with the RPI 2040 and screen as well as the synth's Bluepill STM32, LED ring, and amplifier.
This might need additional battery or USB power support.
The design is very much in flux as we have very limited time before the show, and the modules used in the end product are going to be limited by what we can get delivered quickly in Berlin, as two week+ lead times for AliExpress parts are just not doable! This is intended for a workshop, but we've been reluctant to commit before we are sure that it will work and that we can get the parts.
So, you might be able to do a $20 workshop and get one, or you might have to go find parts and build your own. It might work, or it might be crap.
There is so much we don't know.
I hope you can enjoy it, at least!!