Helper role to be executed with ansible-container
aiming to build nginx based service for your application. Role is based on sa-nginx
your docker image might be any of ubuntu (14.04 LTS / 16.04 LTS), CentOS 7+, Fedora 25+, Alpine (3.4. 3.5 +)
Role is best used in conjuntion with previously applied role.
Please check sa-container-bootstrap
role for options.
Role can be used on a standalone basis, including dumb-init support out of the box.
User inside container used to run
container_user: nginx
Container's nginx user id
container_uid: 1000
Container init system used in base image. Can be unset (you are using smth on your own control)
container_init: "dumb-init" # phusion-init
dumb_init_version: "1.2.0"
Directory to place nginx pid
nginx_pid_dir: /run/nginx
Interoperability with other containers - where to place static content, and which directories need to be rsynced inside container.
nginx_static_dir: /static
# directories to be copied inside docker container
nginx_asset_dirs: []
#directories already mapped inside docker container during build
nginx_container_asset_dirs: []
In case if you don't provide your own nginx conf, container will use sa-nginx
scheme: site configs to be placed to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
, default nginx.conf
might be adjusted by specifying list of corrections in nginx_conf_properties
- {
regexp: "^daemon *",
line: "daemon off;",
insertbefore: "BOF"
- {
regexp: "^worker_processes *",
line: "worker_processes auto;",
insertbefore: "BOF"
- {
regexp: "^pid *",
line: "pid {{nginx_pid_dir}}/;",
insertbefore: "BOF"
we install nginx container role, and configure our application by applying some project specific role in order to provide needed nginx tuning.
version: "2"
conductor_base: ubuntu:16.04
- temp-space:/tmp # Used to copy static content between containers
from: ubuntu:16.04
container_name: www
- {
role: ""
- {
role: "../standalone-fallback"
docker: {}
See box-example for the standalone working example. It will configure application image that will display 'OK' on connect - check it out:
at a moment ansible-container is highly under development. You might spot issues, that are fixed in develop branch only.
In that case you might need to install ansible-container from source, i.e.
git clone
cd ansible-container
git checkout develop
pip install -e .[docker,openshift]
If for some reason install is messed (manual packages updates, removals, etc) - try pip install with --ignore-installed
later, when issue fix is released - to uninstall package installed in that way from source:
At {virtualenv}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ (if not using virtualenv then {system_dir, like /usr/local}/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/)
remove the egg file (e.g. ansible-container.egg-link) if there is any;
from file easy-install.pth, remove the corresponding line (it should be a path to the source directory or of an egg file).
When using box-example, pay attention to container.yml
, in particular, conductor_base
should be derived
from the same distribution as you're building your target containers with, check list of currently supported base systems:
(3) If your system services are derived from different OS base images, than ... ?
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